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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. What do you need done
  2. Ralph Dondi j.r, was arrested for assault on a police officer and his wife channel 30 has it on local news he was ask to leave a restaurant in Hamden and refused so they called the popo they have a picture of him didnt you now him his garage was across from New haven body on state st sackett point rd

  3. Another thief no work!!!! THE GT way
  4. That shoulnt had been ship on that type of trailer your not the first one are you direct or through the the big truck brocker
  5. Im in the wrong buss after 35 years fix en mack I should go back to fixen them for profit not truckin that's pure robbery was that your trailer in New London with the coil it had the same name but from WTBY
  6. Looks like the1/2 line on emerg side 3/8 service side port to the front is emergency check opp side
  7. Somebody got to pay for the new building they have parts changers what are they charging per hour!!
  8. I went to the same dealer and bought a new 2001 RD from them and the trans jump out of gear from day one 3-times they tried to fix it at 434k it still jumps out of 7th that's the reason we don't support them where HFRD-MLFD
  9. 1-860-848-1221 Courvilles montville off rt-395 are you sure that's the problem ?????? start the engine when cold you could feel the manifold if cold its dead good luck good truck just bought a 1978 been allover the state already no PAYMENTS and smiling.cant wait to polish it paint curing and waiting on decals.
  10. Dont feel bad we have steel wire mill here in Wallingford CT You'll see a load or two a week getting straighten out on the side of the Hi-way with a wrecker .
  11. I had 1997 RB E-7 300 8-LL 4000 Boston steel 2-compartment oil delivery strait truck it was a nice truck to work with getting around.
  12. P G Adams South Burlington Vermont from 0" to 48\ custom rails check out web site they will build any thing and ship anywhere predrilled
  13. Here in Conn . WE have Callaway corvette his SC-757 vett only push's 757hp 777 toque he does these for GM and been seen testing them on RT-9 very interesting web site & videos on u-tube he must know something they sell a lot of his cars and pic-ups to get grocery quicker
  14. They're using grocery getters to do a mans job I have 1997 290k sw f-350 1993 super duty dully 2001 sw f-350 160k all diesels the 97 f-350 ran around with a 300 gal fuel tank filling gen sets at cell towers on mountains 10 units a day 7 days a week 365 and carry a 8-ft Fischer plow for the mile or two up the mountain in snow rain mudd Auto trans a little weak 1- vacuum pump and just put a water pump in a week ago and 1- set ball joints the fuel tank diesel 40 ft hose pump and support gear it was over loaded 300-400 miles a day now that FORD TOUGH I owned 1 K-20 85 it didnt make 20k new motor by 80k I felt like FRED FLINT_STONE What I always said people put so much money & parts into their Chevys their stuck with them Ive work for fleets and the Chevys didn't last go to any parking lot and count yull have to take off your shoes to count the fords.
  15. Ive got a 1978-DM 1984-R-tractor 1977-tractor 1988-Superliner tractor and a 2001-RD tri-axle dump and that the worst shape of all
  16. Depend on state laws 20" or 16.5" drums RI 10 wheeler 73000 big brakes Hard to get parts for the eaton system
  17. My oldest son wanted to prove to me that he can get a license he went to a school told them his father has Mack trucks they told him to come in learn the pretrip and by the way Friday the D.M.V was coming down to test they jump in a class b truck he told him same story and didn't go for the full ride and got a 100% on the test and he cant drive standard for 1500,00. My younger son go to the same place for class A an tells him 3000.00 because he is spending to much for transmissions and he can drive a class a since he was 13 now 18 hes a joy to work with.
  18. I bought a 2001RD -350-8LL 20-20-44 17.5 Brandon body Richards cover for 105000.00 full of fuel
  19. Several weeks ago here in Connecticut we had a EMPTY tri-axle T- bone a lady and killed her the truck only left one skid mark at the seen and these guys wonder why the D.M.V harass them we had the Avon Conn. accident several years back witch killed four people and injured a lot.new driver to the truck got lost and blew the trans and couldn't stop the truck then the owner calls his insurance to put it back on the policy father & son are doing time the state auction every thing off and David Wilcox 77 only ended with 6 years for letting unsafe & uninsured truck to leave his yard.
  20. The log chassis are heavier spec frames but some choose to go that route for dumps it all comes down to $$$$$$. Back in the 80s I work for a large rigging company that had 150 tractors 99% Macks and we did things you wouldn't believe what we move around New England they wasn't the fastest but no accidents
  21. I pulled into a job last week with a 1978 DM triaxle the super ask if it was late 80s no his company use to by macks 20-30 a year the last batch mack had to change all the frames on the CLs now they went to Kenwoths and not lookin back between the two company's they have 200 plus rolloffs triaxle dumps and tractors.
  22. Bob The CH613 in 1990 were 52k with all the bell & whistles for25 units
  23. Superliner 1989 -350 cat 17.5 body 8-LL Poland NY htfd ct craigslist has pictures put in mack 860-888-2744
  24. Thats a truck that would hurt future sales after being around for 38 YEARS and still around workin !!! How much did that cost new in 1978
  25. Alot of his trucks came from a Connecticut collector and around NEW England.
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