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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Some people are just ARROGANT unfortunately he puts his underwear on the same way as i do and I told a few people that !! IVE have friends on both sides of the coin.
  2. We have to get TRUMP back to CONN. he sold his 52 million dollar home in Greenwich CT.
  3. At least now they separate the Boys from the men meaning pickups in the spectators lot for the diesel nationals its a long day.
  4. UMBRELLA !!!!!!
  5. The hp keep going up the brakes haven't change much in the last 30 years other than anti-lock the faster the bigger accidents They go faster- longer coffee breaks
  6. I was looking at the door on a inspectors car it said it was ESTABLISH in 1907 I ask who were you chasing Jessie JAMES with that big gun tell them they should open the tolls so they get their jobs back . I had a Sergent inspect my 78-r model 1970 Fruehauf dump for1.5 hrs when done he said wow who does the work I do he ask were did I work I told him I was laid off by a MAJOR oil company that didn't need mechanics any more and later found out he put 3 tank trailers out of service and to be pump off . HE was a nice guy and ask if I had any questions I said 1 did you inspect your EXPEDITION this morning YUP !! your missing a valve cap on your front tire !lets get it fix.
  7. I had one grab his when he open the door on the passenger side of the Superliner to see a 60 lbs female Red bone coon hound that dose not get excited at all then another time she gave a full facial kleen to a D.M.V that pull me over all the time and I told him she just got done cleaning her hoohoo he just wave's at me now.
  8. Yes -only on Fords and older trucks that were for sale that lasted the abuse it like everything else you take care of it it will last some people think they have a rubber tire bulldozer .
  9. Town of Sothbury CT has about 10-12 F-550 with the hilly torain they have and their roll over costs replacement and non-cdl drivers fuel cost then some towns are going with 10-wheeler's MACK Stratford N.Branford Stamford Ridge field Bethlehem E.Haven to the the toon of 270,000 fully equipped just to name a few.
  10. The hood is 3 " longer front motor mount different radiator is thinner and longer air filter housing, lower hose intake manifold and water, grill
  11. THINK they are charging to much for Ketchup !!!!! All these politicians come from money We have Richard Blumethau his in laws own the EMPIRE state building and other property.
  12. The Hienze family has a nice air conditioned slip in Florida for their 75' plus dingy with over 50 plus people to maintain it that was 25 years ago
  13. Multi-tasking loss of safety bonus My garage door use to open in the middle of the night Quick fix block wall up.
  14. I just bought one for a 12-speed new in the box .
  15. I was standing there when he was getting the plastic ties off to open the tarp ol'well no pic from me.
  16. Pusher Usually it has a dip in the axle for drive shaft clearance tag is tagging along like back in the day 50's 60' but pushers go both way's.
  17. Yup a large o- ring big job they get hard and flat and leak. does your air system have a lot oil in it and leak out through the air leak
  18. HAM & CHEEZEL I work for a mason once in awhile he told the other kid he needed ham & chizel he went and got him a sangwitch.He said what is this ham & cheese sandwich
  19. The nut behind the whee l!!! irregular tire wear front rear that is a long long list
  20. Never had one of those in my tackle box 11/8 wrench and a two way been doing that way since 1987 ol,'well cant change a old dog.There was a update on the adjusters for the bridges.
  21. Connecticut 76500 with permit in certain areas other places 73000 non construction material -salt - sand for glass-scrap iron-lumber- liquid 67400 lbs on a tri axle and they check tire capacity and width and they catch you in the bad zone with non construction mat they will fine you 5k-8k 95 south West haven Conn and down to NYC line.
  22. They all have extensions on the tube for drbbling
  23. Hog ring pliers & cushion kit a little over 100.00 bucks if you could find a parts guy that could order one.Very cheap way to go
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