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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. They cant use Elephants any to do work or to perform in the shows anymore That what Pita says.
  2. #1 .03 cent light iron .025 brought 7000 lbs cried the whole time while there complaining that it would bring in 70.00$ to bring it to the ship yard but has a new Volvo 10 wheeler sitting there .
  3. G/E is moving with 800 employees out of Fairfield Conn. do to Danny Boy to Boston Mass. after 40 + years Corporate office is gone but the remaining 5k are still here for now.They gave the state 6 months to renege on the corporate taxes they did not all but took a nice raise . Bill Finch Mayor of Bridgeport lost to a convict for embezzling and taking kick backs but did a few years in the klink . Finch then gave his staff a nice raise with retro before leaving office.
  4. Check for continuity to see if is burnt out ? That old probably is bad also check anti-freeze .
  5. They pick up the smallest measurement of dirt 1 micron, I to wondered I cut one open and did a little research .
  6. What trans do you have some have to be engaged1-5 main box and air to neutral so you can have a selection on speed.
  7. Does that come with viddles & drinks Does that come with viddles & drinks and a plastic card.Over 7 + years all i got was gold pocket watch MY cousin has a condo in Guilford on the water 900 k not bad for union painter.
  8. Actually the chicken farm was in Watertown Ct 15000 plus chickens with a 3 story still 500 gallon cap great grandfather had a speak easy in the Brooklyn section of WTBY in a butcher shop across from the Lithuania church. They tore all the 3 story coupes down about 10 -11 years ago . .
  9. My great grandfather and grandfather did the same thing from Conn to NYC it was a two day trip back in 1930s with Macks & Cadillac's for local deliveries . Some of the stories he told me with tax men making the front page of the WTBY Republican . He said it was good advertisement more business .
  10. I work for A company back in 80 s I had 26 U- Models dating back to 70 s 237 5 speeds we went to RI MASS LI NY & CT with 28 +ton loads no A/C one spot mirror mechanical seat and no P/S and the drivers got paid 13.18 per hour teamsters rate trucks got 55.00 per hour bias tube type tires and everybody was happy.
  11. Ive had the older 44s where its pressed in change by a mobile shop buy using dry ice hydraulic portable press 800.00$ after market was half the price of M%$K .
  12. NO EXPERIENCE!!!!!! Atlantic Bell Detroit in Middeltown Ct had a shop that repowerd gassers to diesel and repaired old ones.
  13. Scott Suzio has one FCSW tractor gas 10 wheeler and CHRIS Barry will be going to more shows since the kids are done with Collage HE just bought several LJs from RED Smith Estate.
  14. Ive done a couple DMM 1989 + with E-6 2 valve heads so they can put the tip turbine on and no inter cooler in front of radiator but they had the larger connecting rods.
  15. Marino crane in Middeltown ct has the two from Hallamore motor trans.
  16. They went out of business in 1971 in Willamatic ct .Where are they now.
  17. Don't use worm gear clamps they pop quicker some have30+ psi sound like a tire .
  18. Happy X-mas to ALL and good luck to friends &family.
  19. Several years ago their was bus in Nevada i believe had a tire repaired and used either and it blew out dew to expansion rate of the heat.
  20. The old 16.5- 16.0 rims on C-20 &F-250 in the 70s 80s the 16.5 tire would fit on the 16.0 rim and air up to a certain point and then %#@&^%!
  21. Same size bolts on 34k 38k 44k 55k 58k 7/8 just longer U-bolts the same diameter 1 1/4 Ive had 60 plus tons on DM-600 & DM800 with bolster plates carry concrete I beams 90 ft long.
  22. Reduction sale 79900.00 probably no calls 15000.00 off
  23. Shouldn't tell every body !!! SAFETY is first priority or to much vino or anaset in the coffee along OSHA wasn't called.
  24. MULTI-tasking along you weren't walking and chewing gum.
  25. Ask the gran children they come Pre programmed Matt dosent believe in directions he figures it out,
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