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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Don't feel bad we have them in Connecticut bought a new 2001 Rd 8LL trans it jump out of 7 gear from day one it went in twice for poppet balls and springs then it was out of warranty then they pulled the trans put slide clutch fork and bearing kit and a bill for 3500,00 And on the way home from the Hartford ct dealer it still did it ,One lady from from their office did call for payment told her they didn't fix the problem so I didn't pay and never herd again ,Went on to smaller dealer were things are still done with a hand shake and cheaper prices
  2. Camarota doesn't stand behind any thing and way over priced .Went there for a u joint for my super liner didn't stock it and they wanted 340.00 Courvilles 104.00 out the door,
  3. You can get a gasket kit for them and clean them with degreaser .
  4. They have a B model tow truck with there colors not ON THE BALL that is kept quite about that company.
  5. That is possible one of my fathers he had two with sleepers and two with out we have pictures of day cabs ,
  6. Della construction had all type of macks Dom Moffo bought all the DM 686 triaxels they sold the gravel operation to Kobeluck in witch the operations manager was just arrested for embezzling 1.14 million dollars over a 10 year period plus his 100k a year salary ,
  7. Very popular in CONN. Arute Bro's Suzio concrete Tilcon quarry Yaworsky trucking Genovece Hallamore motor trans Dayton const. George Tomaso Herbert Butler.
  8. Should a bought stocks they are buying open land buy the thousand of acres. They bought the old C.W.Blakeslee building on Sargent drive next to where the New Haven Register use to be .
  9. ,Rustoleum with a brush smoke gray or white 2 inch brush in the sun light and a milk create.
  10. 15 to 20 + hp night and day difference typical air toggle switch 1/8 ports.
  11. The line going from your anaroy valve from your brake valve on dash install a air toggle switch so if you get pulled over you could flip it quick mount it in the ash tray..They are getting a little smarter
  12. Not your every day truck!!!
  13. The old 5 speed dont have a gear in side from the factory but can be installed.
  14. Big mack. No connection. https://harrisonburg.craigslist.org/cto/4926959557.html
  15. Industrial Riggers Waterbury Conn, they use to bee an all mack fleet butt they got a 4 axle Pete now .
  16. You didn't see the painting section on the the factory tour BIG RED watch the under cover BOSS video about CEO .HE chip in his own money to his employees not MACK .
  17. Corporation tax a lot of Conn company paid thousands one company paid well over 200k just by picking up product and bringing back to CT.needles to say a lot are out of business
  18. It looks to me they buy a couple every year, Last year they totaled two singled axle trucks with the sneakers in the air. Its funny you go to these yards and the public work Director comes to truck with list of questions hews doing what and where Middelbury ct is rebuilding 4 10 wheelers frames tronion springs on their classic 80 vintage Litchfield ct build off cab chassis in there shop,
  19. No batteries all the tires are rotted shot canvas torn bad air to rear is tied into the right maxi can with shut off valves it needs 12.00x24.5 or11.00x22 check out the price and the in side is filty.
  20. blackdog2


    Florida lady and baby get pulled over they bring a K9 unit in check car out every thing is alright they give her paper work back then the baby pull a bag of cocaine out of her mothers purse .Two in Conn go to VIP store people tell them cant bring 20 day old in store so they go and put the baby in cold car 20 degree and go back to store she 29 he54 and ankle bracelet from previous crime now they are in jail with a high bail and no baby.
  21. Prospect of New England Ive seen other trucks painted other colors same name
  22. Construction MGNT they-er trying to get work in N America with subs its growing thing .
  23. CV-713 2003 427 18 speed 44000 camel back red Global truck NH $44900.00 sharp truck 352000 miles all the bells whistles and jewelry.
  24. blackdog2


    Idaho Walmart 2 year old pulls out a gun from the 29 year old mothers purse and fatally shoots her in the store 2 days ago.
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