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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Make sure they put a new decal in the door frame showing a chassis modification weight per axle . Ive seen DMV not notice a tag axle with out the decal . Just recent i was pulled over in my tri axle . DMVask me if i knew wy i was being pulled over i said you like MACKS he said your lift axle was up . I told him to put his finger on the brake drum He wouldn't then he said freget about it . M
  2. He dosent let grass grow under his feet. I see him daily
  3. Condor Bulk, Hawk Bulk, ED Smith, JP Noonan, Bozzutos Food Cheshire CT BFI refuse use to take every 5 truck off assembly line. Manafort Bros. Carabeta Precast, EJ Kelly, Winter Bros Refuse, O&G Ind. Rawson Sand & Stone, Pipeline on wheels Getty oil Sun oil co
  4. Smiths Transfer, Yale freight, AAA, FIRE-LINE Petroleum Shuster Gulf oil Amoco Oil, Shell Oil, Gillis lllc, Montana fuel serv, Roncetti Trucking UPS, USPS mail, ISLAND Transport, Rosadini Transport
  5. Back in the early 50s my father seen a LJ sleeper in Florida a week later he went back to Florida to find the dealer ship closed after a week of searching he found it and drove it home to the chicken farm in Water town Conn. He like it so much he bought 2 day cabs and1 more with a sleeper .Well the fist one is still working to this day retiring in the late 80s after pulling dump trailer and low bed now it carry's 550 gal tank around for dust control it has Cummings with rotary fuel pump duplex and 3 different rear ends 45 65 112 mph. Tietz trucking bought from dad in 60s he from Woodbury Conn. Then he bought the b- model that i am sitting in the picture.
  6. THEY are saying 75k are with out power still in PA.
  7. I weigh in @ 31740 # with my 24 ft fruehauf dump trailer and 120 gallons fuel.RW- 713
  8. 203 467 1997 main #
  9. Dan Lally Dad Jim lally they also own Shumack const. in Clinton CONN.
  10. Gateway Terminal is bringing in a ship on Sunday in New haven CONN.and start to unload.
  11. dead beats they dont pay there billls
  12. Bob one hand washes the other.
  13. We tried new trucks. Had 1970's DMs and we decided to buy a new truck so there would be less maintenance cost and a be nicer for the drivers. Well that new truck had more problems then anything. Turbos, air compressors, and the transmission is a whole another story. I worked for a major oil company and we ran mostly 1980's R models. The bosses decided to go buy new trucks because they burned a gallon of oil a week (1000 miles a day running them 24/7). The CHs they replaced them with too small of radiators, air compressors throwing rods, fuel accelerator linkages, ring and pinions, etc. Those trucks spent more time at mack then they did on the road. Now they run Peterbilts and got rid of their V****s. another company that got screwed over by mack dealers. I run 80s trucks everyday putign 500 or so miles on them. Got a 1970 dump trailer thats just as good as the new ones but better. Theres a company we work for that uses their trailers for the same thing and already replaced the floors and they're 1 or 2 yrs old. ill stick to old equipment. Dont need a computer and a so called "technician" to fix them and the taxes are cheap on them. I give the town their $5 for taxes for each trailer and everyone's happy.
  14. Bob the kid is R-model Super-liner nut well it does say Mack on it but he does like DM800 I herd he cant wait to pick up the side winder with 14.00 x 24 sneakers in PA.That going to be three day trip but its going back home to Mass.
  15. Definite a timing issue or somebody ran it back wards .
  16. Did it go to Peabody Museum at YALE they do have a lot of DINOSAURS on display .
  17. Item #11 usually don't come on 38k but you can install to keep the spring from twisting in the spring cap .also item #7 can be change to a one piece steel bonded spring saddle . Ive always change and did away with rubber bushing . A little costly but well worth it.
  18. I thought they drove different down under.
  19. They took those atlas aluminum body off and put them on Sterling / Fords for next life .
  20. That is 2stacksuperdog profile
  21. They found the kid on a state collage campus with two hand guns then search his car and found several loaded clips and a AR15 assault rifle then went to fairfeild conn. where they found his bed room door with pad lock on it .The parents didnt no why it was lock an then found literature about other shooting in the U.S.A. and 2000rounds of ammo ma by it was a blessing .
  22. The kid was wearing camouflage and a sword . It cost the city of New Britain Conn over 17K for the hole thing . The state is going after these clown's and all the rock climber that fall or get stuck to re coupe some money for the towns .
  23. Its seems to have more brkts for 5 inch than 4 inch mufflers.
  24. A lot of Mandela relatives are here.!!!!
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