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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. I herd that he has couple Pete roll offs that are in ruff shape for hauling large rocks for sea walls .
  2. I know he was looking at my profile it change 45lmswm to guest .
  3. He sends them over on the ferry to LINY to deliver stone . The D.M.V. State police some times sit there when they get off and turn them around to go back on the ferry.
  4. When the mech. speedometer was phaze out in the late 80s I used to change 26 every Saturday morn on the 7 day reel to reel charts.
  5. Not so rare Cumberland Farms 150 plus Hallamore motor trans 100plus ST Johnsbury 200 plus Smiths Transfer 200 plus Gulf oil 40 plus AAA freight Carabeta precast Roncete transport and heavy hauling and the list go on.New haven truck rental aka Flexi-van 200plus thats a lot of UUU-sss models.
  6. Back in the mid 80s the Mianus river bridge RT95 in Greenwich Conn. fell over 100 feet along with cars tractor trailers people complained about noises weeks before .I was working for a company that two trucks got caught grossing out at 224000 112 ton tickets were 8000.00 each needless to say the Conn state police put one our trailers out of service every day at the toll house for months. They called me a whore and told me that they will get the company .WE did make the front page of the Bridgeport Post They sold the two A-cars to Marino crane and move out of the state . We were getting harass by state of CONNECTICUT .At first they thought the two trucks had some thing to do with the collapse of the bridge.
  7. Camarota Enfield ct but they always looking for core charge on new and used parts .
  8. Global truck in Winchester New Hampshire.
  9. ITs a mammal thing not turtles.
  10. My neighbor had potato cannon he built and go through 50 lbs till it blew up at 1100pm
  11. A rod or main bearing?
  12. Built like MACK heavy front &&&& definite needs fender poles .
  13. Thats what you call eye poppers & tug boat noise makers.
  14. The only things are door handles antenna glad hand brackets and grab handles long style lights horn.
  15. All the towns in Conn. are using Magic salt with molasses and liquid calcium . I stop at a traffic light and about 1 gallon plus leak out D>M>V> didnt like it he pulled me into the fire house were it leak more of coarse nobody knew what it was.
  16. I know here CONNECTICUT were once again supplying a Christmas tree for Rockafeller center in NYC they make a big thing out it 24 -7 police &troopers guarding it .
  17. Thats why i drive a F-350 and she drives an explorer and sleep with one eye open.
  18. Going back several years ago i was fueling three1.5 mega watt under power each unit burned 200 gallons an hour it didn't take long to suck up 35000 gallons ,
  19. Good old #2 oil Ive got 1997 f350 and 2001 f350 both had tanks that were over filled a few times and no rust.The 97 del .over 500000 gal.over 6 years in ruff terrain for generators .
  20. 4499.00
  21. Its west of Monroe. Its west of Monroe
  22. My son does for last 16 years my wife says she resting her eyes but her mouth is wide open.
  23. ITs a knurled thumb screw about 1/2 dia.
  24. I thought you only went one way now i see you going both ways .
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