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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. When i was Junior in high school with full time job at local milk company coff coff i bought a brand new 78 F250 400 auto 4WD black &red int.
  2. Ive should of bought boat full 290000 miles and still out run the 01 .
  3. I see flaver flave all over town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. GAS JOBS bob
  5. Unfortunate this is not a happy place but it is not forgotten there a lot a people still grieving and its not's going to stop till the right presedente gets in office
  6. Getty oil tried 18 letter poop spreader with a lift they change it quick twin screw
  7. Smiths Transfer had singles axle with slide in dollies when they needed tandem . The company still make them for quick solution 4 axle tractor .
  8. O & G ind. and Vinci oil and trans port ran a lot of r685 with tag axle on the rear . O & G pulled 22ft freuhauf dump with a pay load 27+ tons Vinci pulled gas oil and bulk cement .
  9. Didn't you see the sign you must be edemecadedated MACK ...!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. And this guy wonders why the state wants to put him out business hes out on parrole for fatal accident witch was his fault . He got caught with an unregistered truck and went to the Pogy for 1 year. still didn't learn .
  11. Those 3 leaf rear springs with the eccentric bushing rated at 34000 lbs .
  12. AKA shoulder bolts you got to use a reamer or a bigger hammer ,
  13. I was a mech. for several com. you wouldn't believe the garbage under the floor matts . There was a company that the drivers would back in their dump trucks in the garage and leave the drivers door open so Mr. Rawson could inspect nightly 30 35 units . He would give gifts at the end of the month to cleanest unit .
  14. It goes with the grey hair and 35 +years working on them
  15. I work for a rigging company that had 4 Penn trans tractors with 2 2hundred gallon tanks you coudnt stop it on a bobtail because of the wedge brakes .The state of CONN. had a portable Dyno that would do spot inspections to see if could stop the Dyno .
  16. What another Holiday !!!!!!!! MLK
  17. Your tractor will assume some of the weight and steering tires then there the brakes 23000lbs lining or the cheap stuff that doesn't wear out brake drums .They will always find weak link . In Conn.if you don't have chassis decal classification for your lift axle they will not recognize it and give you a ticket for 10 wheeler between 5000.00 to 7000.00 dollar fine .
  18. Steering box timing or center bolt on spring shared off or stops on spindle back out .
  19. Chemical Lehman aka Quality Carries
  20. Its about time you came out of the ?&^$%#@ i know where you are .
  21. Are directions missed one road but the peoples of little hoo haas came to us an told us where to go and later stop buy at the show to thank us for coming .
  22. Mack was thinking into the future for CDL juice brakes.
  23. I got a over weight ticket several years ago told the trooper why not go after drug dealers prostitutes . The state go after us because we have to pay or are license will be suspended .Told him have nice day went to court . Prosecutor ask my name then said sorry have nice day Another trooper pulled me over 7 times in one year couldn't find any thing always in the middle of the night , Now he pulls up along side turn lights on toots the horn and waves .
  24. I didn't sleep on the way down or on the way back like other people......... we pulled a 3am to 11pm shift sounds like old days
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