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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. I know a guy that got ticket for exceeding manufactures gross weight for all the tickets it was 35 K plus attorney fees and hes out business.
  2. Fords a nice truck but hard to get parts to many different engines hoses exhaust dealer cant stock every thing we had Louyville 9000 318 10speed single axle for Kero lube oil price out the the dual exhaust late 80s it was 5500.00 at bridge haven Ford
  3. And we thought your where a MACK MAN!!!!!!!!
  4. The first # tells the torque 900lbs mack 5&6 speed trans take 1800 lbs of torque triple counter shaft .
  5. ITS going to be fire wood then beer started 630am !!!!!!!!!!!with the fire wood.
  6. blackdog2

    Mack Rears

    Ive seen factory small double frame tractors people put lift axle on with a15.5 dump body frame didn't last long .I had three 82 r- models where the frame broke right under the drivers seat pulling gas tankers. End up stretching and double the frame from front to rear with all new rails & x members
  7. Air ride cabs different hood hinges from radiator to frame ,
  8. Bye mine 2001 8ll 350 17.5 !!!!!!!dumper
  9. What is this color coded AMERICA Ive seen a lot sole call ededgemacated people with big loans and piece of paper .Not impressed!!!! Basket weaving coarses
  10. Early 80s and up with pressed in freeze plugs are the better blocks .
  11. Use a crows foot or a tire iron L-shape I seen a lot bearings where the cages are worn .
  12. Back in the 70s Cross Bronx expressway they could strip a car down in minutes .Complete drive train hood doors seats . 60 Minutes did a show on it and tape it with cops driving buy .
  13. It was the injection different toque range hi RPM low .Turbos. Same pistons. different pump manufacture Robert Bosch and AMERICAN BOSCH which is the better of the two more power.
  14. Try a 77 u- model with positive ground hit the horn one head light would come on side lights would go off on high beam' back up alarm CB AMFM .
  15. E-6 4 valve side covers there was a update on the mains with longer bolts, We had 50trucks i change a quite a few blocks
  16. ON the foot valve under the cab . Newer ones have remote by wiper motor . Im working on one now they put a T on left front wheel buy the shock absorber.
  17. Heater control panel usually good source of air leaks.
  18. Check alignment and timing of yolks if splines off one tooth it will shake rattle and roll.
  19. The good old air starter my father would wait till i got in front Laskas motor lines 65 White 220 Cummings and hit the button . Laugh.
  20. Probably still wondering what it used for
  21. Mus ta had to many friends and relatives with meaningless joBS . The old saying is to many chiefs and not enough of Indians.
  22. Usually you can tell by the date on the casting trans fuel tank tag .
  23. Ive seen red necks blue collars lose their jobs so the white collars look good been there don it !
  24. Back in the day trucks sat at dealers a year or two then given a title and that was the year,
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