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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. Chemical Lehman AKA.
  2. If you got steel budd rims check the inner wheels for broken centers.
  3. They like nubees they get there money for initiation then you cant get the hours so they push under the rug or they give you a job YOU GOT A BOOK THEN tell cant read look at pictures !!
  4. Mystic not good name in Conn . they stiffed a lot businesses plus Miss Guerrera .
  5. Its kinda wife thing thing thing they wonder,
  6. Its a steerable lift axle that you can lock for backing up with it down or something like that if you know what i mean.
  7. MACK site !!!!!!!!
  8. Usually the air cleaner has little air cylinder when you turn the wipers on it diverts the air through different duck for snow plowing and cold weather .
  9. Somebody gots to push botton on the picture taker .
  10. No not ME often duplicated never intimidated!!look at the picture...
  11. Looks rough.
  12. That was 5-6 years ago the driver was Green Barret it was div. Empire Paving
  13. They where bring crusher over to Brpt Conn. on the ferry the driver was asleep in the sleeper the whole unit fell off in 100 ft + deep water .
  14. Back in the early 80 s we moved 90 + concrete I -beams for the construction of I-691 Meriden to Cheshire that weight 62 tons apiece tandem tractors dm600 250 hp with duplex on 5 axle trailer and bolster plate . They where 95 ft long . you coudnt do that any more .
  15. Beauty is only skin deep! Cant judge a book by the cover .
  16. I like the Expedition with BULLDOG on the hood .
  17. I have 88 Super liner with108000 miles going threw Boston Ma. people where taking videos going down 95 or maybe it was the oversize load on.They were both MACKs TOP &bottom .
  18. Those are two good looking doggs
  19. Nice DM800 looks like a monster.
  20. He use to live in Cheshire Conn . gone by his house with trucks he would wave all the time
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