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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. I think I got flees from the camels.
  2. Been through that .To work on state job you have to be certified BY the state just make shure i did nt make over 15 millon a year.
  3. A/B uses 18 letters poop spreaders.
  4. I like the home made rubbers for radiator brace .Took a while to make must be an off road truck.
  5. In the 70s i work for milk company in middle of Conn . with trucks going to mass. with single axle u-models 5 speed 237 grossing out @102000 lbs they had a scale for incoming milk .The trailers were2 axle 4 tires Murphy&Copco tralers.
  6. Small block small crank small piston but big power!!!!!! never had any problems . The brakes haven't gotten any bigger. Bigger power bigger accidents. To many pea brains.Behind the wheel.
  7. I knew guy that had 21 in his collection and the wife said !!!!!!!. So that's how Bud got its second hitch .Needless to say he has more now and you can go to the farm in Lakeville Mass. for free as long as gate open. Or go to the BIG--E Dennis is there open till close from start till finish .
  8. Different type washers cleate old tires and the shut off cable no money out of pocketo.
  9. Ive had 1975 with the same specs you could put springs with that trunnion but go with steel bonded spring saddles 600.00+each.
  10. Is that a Red bone coon hound.???
  11. I use to run a International with 11 bottom plow for Koguts nursery when they bought all the tobacco fields in Enfield Conn. That DT 466 would pull an bark no muffler .They told me if you see a field that needs to be plow plow it. Its probably ours.
  12. Red horse we up in your neck of the woods Saturday we had to pick up a D-M 800 with 12.24 with several winches on the back with a gin pole .It took almost 4 hours to fit it on the low bed .There where a lot of picture takers land and Hi-way . At least the D M-800 was the same color as the superliner you will be seeing pictures soon and videos.
  13. early 70s
  14. I heard theirs a guy buying up any truck parts ;and trucks for DM 800 -
  15. Its always good to to change the check valves in the transfer pump. Ive had people call they gone through several cans of either and it still wont run change the valves and it starts up
  16. Its sound likes block lines or plugged vent or cap make sure your pulling your fuel and return to the same tank .
  17. Flat aluminum or stamped steel with 3 bolts steel 2 valve aluminum are 4 valve Ive seen 88 with 2 valves with tip turbine.
  18. Come to Conn . the price is 275.00 Hour. Porthole to port hole .and they want cash . Ozzy Osborn's driver had to take a groopy back to New Haven Ct . Well he missed the off ramp . That cost Mister Ozzborn 98000.00 to get unit out . They should just rounded off to 100000,00 Sunoco oil rolled tank trailer 3 hours later 28000.00 they get with multi uint and support vehicles with lights and personnel And those are the real numbers.That why i use PLUNSKES that s one call shop and the job is done wright . They have 40 Plus units Ive delt 35 + years with family.
  19. Interest points are usaiy higher used equpment.
  20. Pump timing I had one sheared the key way . Then a week later it blew the seam on the old style steal in take .Check fuel for contamination water gas .
  21. Stop playing with it change it aint worth play ing
  22. Are they long studs for alum.
  23. Next to tainte there nothing .
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