Yeah, what was that all about? For a minute there in the early 90's it looked like Ford was going to buy Cummins and with the HN80 make a very serious effort in class 7/8. Then without warning the whole HN80 program was given to Freightliner, they baled on Cummins, and the remnant of medium they held on to (F Series) was sent to Mexico and the option list was severely curtailed. Something sure changed Ford's mind.
While this was all going on, there were rumors that the B5.9 was going into the F-250 and 350. Like many, I was a fan of the 5.9 but not of the 1972 Dodge pickup in came in (good truck in it's day). I was ready to go to Don Kott Ford in Carson with a sizeable down payment the moment the 5.9 option was announced for the F-350. Needless to say that never happened, though the 5.9 went into the F series mediums.
In retrospect Ford should have sold the old Louisville until they needed KTP for the Super Duty, and never bothered with the HN80. I thought the HN80 had some clever features, but was a pretty poor execution. Freightliner spent a lot of money trying to straighten out that truck, but even with that it never had a reputation beyond 'cheap fleet'. It's amazing, but I think I still see more old Louisville's on the road than HN80's these days. i wonder whatever happened to that HN80 'long nose' prototype Ford built.
Yeah, "Together We Will Run The Country"..........