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    1959 Mack b61 single axle<br />Love to rebuild old big trucks

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  1. How much for the truck?
  2. I am going to see what it sells for. Bob Rorh is a great guy. He put lots of hours into his business. I hope he enjoys his retirement, he served the community well for many years. He always was there to move my big projects in and out of my garage. If it goes fortune right price I sure would love to have the wrecker.
  3. If you could get me his number that would be great. I bought the wrecker body in MA. I have no problem coming there to get one. My father could do just about anything. The last thing we did together was paint the wrecker. I want to make this truck special. It really does not have to be a single axle. Thanks to all the thoughts. I can not wait to start on a truck. I have a friend who will do a mural on the back of my father. My number is (330)353-0605 if you would rather pass it on to the person near you. My name is Kevin
  4. I know exactly where that is. I used to live on Lutz which is the next street west of Arlington.
  5. Yes model B. Thank you still miss him every day. Alcohol consumed him.
  6. Looking for a 1959 Mack which needs restored. I live in Massillon Ohio. My father committed suicide a few years ago. Before he took his life he was driving a 1959 Mack loaned to him by a friend to Chicago and back. The township put a nuisance order on the old man and seized all of the old trucks he had before I located him so now I am looking to restore one of these old trucks as a tribute to my father. Thanks to all for any help you can provide. I have restored several 1951 Ford F6 trucks and now look forward to this challenge. I posted pictures of the Ford when I bought it and after I finished it. Kevin
  7. Is the truck still for sale? Can b reached at gettinbackagain@yahoo.com Thanks Kevin
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