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Everything posted by REOGasMackDiesel

  1. Apparently the only tach used in military trucks have multifuel and diesel engines. Was there any civilian REO trucks that had a mechanical tach ? ! Or An electric one that runs off 24 volts ? ! Apparently my M48 is 24 volt start and 24 volt run instead of 24 volt start and 12 volt run as I thought it was. Mike
  2. Looks like a Mack/Volvo hybrid, Mack grill area but Volvo head lights and wheel wells . . . Mike
  3. Oh in sure if it came to the states Fiat would badge it as a Dodge/Ram of some kind I bet. Mike
  4. They had lots of trucks parked there, One of the employee's was a wheel of time member and owned several old vintage rigs from time to time. They also used to have a vintage GMC big block V6 truck there too. Mike
  5. Glad they got the truck found and returned, I had a Studebaker stolen from me and they scrapped it. They gave an expired ID at the scrapper saddly the truck had been destroyed ! ;o( ! It was a fairly easy bust ! They got a years probation and had to pay me for the amount I was out ! Not the full collector value of it at the time of destruction ! Just what I paid for it ! They are off probation in a few months and haven't got a dime yet ;o( I really hate thieves ! ! Mike
  6. The M123 series 10ton tractor was a beast of a truck for sure. Mike
  7. Very cool looking trucks, Some of the conventional's looked like the ol'Dodges to me though ! Mike
  8. First few look like fire-truck's me sorry they really do ;o) Mike
  9. Very nice looking trucks ;o) Mike
  10. I like manual transmissions better myself Mike
  11. Oil looks decent, Coolant is a pink-ish color ? ! Never seen pink coolant before anyone else ? Truck was owned by JK-Hackel transport for several decades so I'm sure this REO truck got 15w-40 oil of some kind and whatever coolant these newer rigs are running these days. Oil change and coolant flush is on the list of things to do ;o) Mike
  12. Today I ran it a good hour instead of 15min, only seems to warm up about halfway and stops heating up. Idles fine no smoke at idle after 5 min idling, but give it some throttle and bring the revs up for a few seconds and it rolls blue ish white smoke. Maybe I need to keep reved up and see if it clears out after few min at higher revs next time ? ! It smells like engine oil, Maybe I should change the oil next go around ? ! Mike
  13. I have a 1953 REO 6by my wife bought me for my last birthday. Truck has spent and great deal of time sitting or running in place. Its 60yrs old and has about 2,500 miles on it according to the odo and paper work. I got it last fall so it only been ran for a total of 4 times twice before winter and twice now after winter. Seem to smoke a bit blue-ish smoke so oil. I was hope after a few runnings it would clear up, So far I'm not sure it will maybe it needs more run time on it. It don't smoke at idle its once you rev it up it smokes. Parts seem limited for the REO-331 I6 gold comet engine, oil change and tune up stuff can be found yet. Starters, generators, fuel pumps, and carb kits are around. Engine rebuild stuff seems all obsolete. Not sire what oil has been ran through it over the years but I'm guess cheap crap. Fires right up and runs great like a low mileage engine. Holds fantastic oil pressure 58psi idle and 63psi reved up. Run it some more ? Change out the oil ? Try not to worry about and drive it ? Mike
  14. I was just curious as to how they sold million mile trucks if they cut them all up. So they cut them up age XX years old, If said unit hits a million before the set age of XX years it can be sold off ? ! Mike
  15. How can they what's cut up ? ! Please explain I'm stupid I guess ? ! Mike
  16. Considering both being owned by Fiat when is the RAM version coming out ? ! Mike
  17. Very nice information thanks much. Mike
  18. Well I was told that ALL "Mack" branded axles had carrier's that were all Meritor's ? ! Now as for toploaders vs frontloaders: Topload's are double and triple reduction ? ! front loads are single reduction ? ! So ain't that an apples and oranges comparison ? ! More moving parts = faster wearing or so I'm told. Mike
  19. Beautiful MACK truck gorgeous Mack ;o) Mike
  20. From what showed up nothing mentioned Mack truck axles ? ! Unless I missed it some place, Can ya copy/paste it ? ! Mike
  21. Meritor makes the carrier, than who is stamping out the current axle housings ? ! Mack still ? ! Mike
  22. So basically these "Gold dog" Macks are pretty much obsolete ? ! When did they start gold dog even ? ! All the B and R models I've seen that were all Mack got silver/chrome dog's on them anyway . . . Mike
  23. Well Mack did stuff in house for what 70 to 90 years ? ! So farming some of it out was a spread the money around move ? ! Or was it a cost effective move, Cheaper to buy than design build update ? ! Mike
  24. What I'd like to do one day is take an ENDT-676, Mack 7spd, Mack Tcase, and ideally Mack axles. Than build my own version of the M52a1 called project "M52a3" the truck that should have been instead of the M52a2 or M818 truck tractors. Taking an M52xx 5ton tractor stuffing in all Mack 676/7spd/Tcase/Axles guts ;o) Curiosity got to me when I saw a late model Mack with toploaded rears ends. Now only thing I haven't seen is a modern era Mack 6x6 tractor I'm guessing all wheel drive or 6x6 Mack's have went obsolete ? ! Mike
  25. Are these Eaton and Meritor topload axles ? ! If not they are irrelevant to the question asked. I am NOT comparing frontloads to toploads, I AM doing TOPLOAD vs TOPLOAD. I have never once seen nor heard of an Eaton topload, So if they exist pleas do tell about them. I run low gearing 5.13-12.55:1 so 300K much less 700K miles I think will never happen. If I can get half those miles from an engine I am doing really good these days ;o) I'm currently running a '62 GMC with 5.13s and 245/70R19.5G's 60mph@3,000rpm, and a '53 REO with 6.72s running 11.00-20F's cranking 58mph@3,000rpm. Now those are gasser's. The diesel trucks I been looking at will have either 6.38s in Mack axles or 6.44s in Rockwell axles with 11 or 12 R24.5s so 55-65mph@2,000rpm. So it more about strength than longevity as no matter who made the axle its going to wear fast ;o) Mike
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