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clevinger trucking

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  1. superliners still rule.........Dylan/wyatt clevinger .
  2. very nice looking superliner clevinger trucking...............
  3. long live the superliner very/very nice looking r,w. clevinger trucking.................
  4. mack superliners will always be one of the best trucks ever made............................................................................................................................................................................
  5. the two quads axles are still for sale the tri axle has been sold the quads are working everyday and are still ready to go .
  6. people who want to buy a new truck should go buy one /but don't expect a good used truck to be a 2013/ sorry im sorry you don't have the money for either/and yes sir that does suck,but a little help for you go to the hobby shop and buy your self a new model then you can have both. so good luck with that ,p.s. the bank might help you with a loan. Ronnie clevinger 540 396 3500.so quit wasting peoples -ucking time.
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