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Everything posted by ctkiteboarding

  1. yeah im thinking hard about updating the body, its huge and has 24" of overhang which i can't really understand why but it has it. Weights 8k+ so some savings could be had also I really love the barn door on my fl80. also gotta set up a hitch plate and really like the idea of no body on it when it starts the sandblast paint process. I saw a white dm locally that looks about a nice as an older dm can with a modern bed. Going to cost me 3k to blast and paint so it looks like something so if I can sell it just maybe it will make $$ sense.
  2. so is it the lite steel on the side that sucks ? or the entire body? is it the chisolm model?
  3. Looking for real life experiance concerning dump beds ,,, biebeau , beau rock, legace, brandon and summit are the ones ive been looking into. Im struggling with set up as well , barn door or high lift, sloped or straight, side boards or ^ shed, smooth side or old school rib, truion or pin to pin. Looking for pics of a dm with diffrent set ups as well, any advise would be appreciated.
  4. In a smaller application I cant see the hook being out performed , 10 /15y cans etc. fast and simple , really has proven to be ireplaceable for me
  5. cant beat a hook truck i have one on a isuzu cab over and i love it, two cans , flat bed and a chipper box... Every contractor should have one its really a great set up.
  6. hook and lift?
  7. lac? or something like that?
  8. he said the same thing to me . it is to heavy for me and what i need. said he is trading in a kw for a new one soon with auto. tdev sent me some pics of his, they look good grey and black cabs with black bodys, said he's selling the newer trucks and buying two more older mechanical macks.
  9. I spoke with bryan before i moved on this truck, tried to get him to sell me his no chance.... im not sure what to do color wise, i like my grey and black but the classic red might show up. I always liked #94.... impresive truck
  10. agreed, i had a new richards monted on a inter i owned .. very nice, the only dis -like was its size blocked the sight line out the mirrors,. I have a alc on the fl80 that is a great cover as well and soild family company (imho) im going to struggle not going back to alc
  11. grey and black but damn im having a strange pull towards mack red
  12. whats the dis- like concerning the set back axle? or shall i say whats your prefered axle set up
  13. thats good news ... im looking forward to bringing this truck back around cosmeticly with the hopes that mechanically it is strong, h and h mack parts guy said it was all mechanical e7 350 ... no ecu or what im told is 1/2 electronic e7's
  14. thanks ....any issues good bad ugly? concerning 50's
  15. thanks will do..... some pics of the truck and the camelback any idea what the rears are 50 ???? crdpc 112 , crd113 or 92 and 93???? no clue
  16. yes same colors, it will be at the paint shop before it makes it to me. no rust the frame still has the stickers on it . anyone able to pull a build sheet for me?
  17. hard to say..... i guess yes for now but if the mack ends up doing the job i will sell it... its a nice little truck and 16.8 tons legal.
  18. thanks ... i think it has 58 rears in it thou but either way it is what it is..
  19. 55k rears its a soild work truck, going to need a serious sand blast and repaint ... pics to follow
  20. he said 55k ....i was thinking 58k but he said it . it will reg at 73kgvw so 20 ton compared to 22t for the lighter truck, iI spoke with a few guys some say stay light at 44/46 others say dont worry about the 4k extrra weight...
  21. (correction) 55k camel back 95 dm 688 with 20k/20k/55k 350 /8LL 130k doucmented orig miles
  22. im in south west ct, most trucks are hauling 21T legal here, its more a question of the rears being way over kill and the 350/8ll moving it along at a resonable rate
  23. im also lookin at a lnt9000 with a 3176b 8ll 350hp 20/ 20 /46 full lockers, both trucks seem to be on each side of perfect ... the dm is a real beast with very low miles and not as clean but pretty much indestructable . the ford is about as new as an older truck can be and spec'ed well (other then the smallish cat), both trucks are under 200k and under 25k , ill be driving it my self
  24. truck is heavy at over 30k empty, has a mech 350 8ll and a 18 steel body, .. is it to heavy ? mostly excavation work, some truck rental.
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