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Everything posted by Eddie52803

  1. So what's if it's open, will anything go wrong? The heaters are not working.
  2. Hello guys, I've got a 97 mack E7 engine, observed recently the hand valve near the water pump (regulating coolant going to the top cylinder ) was locked. Wondering if its normal it stays locked. Think it should be open. Please I need you suggestions.
  3. Thanks so much guys.....
  4. Truck is ch613 E7 454 HP. new nozzles and injector elements but still would not run for more than 10mins without losing power....could it be the power cable supplying power to injector pump.
  5. All that has been checked......electronic malfunction comes up and stays there. But I realize electronic malfunction is a coolant issue. Now am confused what's going on. Still drives perfect for about 5 to 10 mins then the next thing it starts dragging with no power.
  6. Hello all, please I need your help. My truck is loosing power. It drives fine at atimes and the next moment it seems its being dragged from the back..... Have checked the injector timing it's ok and it has new nozzles.
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