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Back In Black Pulling

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Back In Black Pulling last won the day on April 24 2015

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About Back In Black Pulling

  • Birthday 05/13/1971


  • Location
    Lebanon Pa

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    v8 superliners
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  1. clearance all crank bearings at least .002 arp bolts in rods heads, could pean with punch just below valve seats so they don't fall out or plate or puck them double valve spring pressure to turn higher than 3000 , get rid of engine brake need at least 13mm pump any other questions pm me i'll help as much as i can
  2. what power n rpm s looking for
  3. Imagine had wheel swap Hood n Intake don't know 30 year difference
  4. Friend of mine is trying to find this R Model dump that he thinks was his Grandfathers Last seen hauling out of Alen Myers Quarry in Gap PA. He did contact someone at the quarry that told him that the man driving had past but did not what happened to truck. Any info would be appreciated. Can message me if you know any thing . 2 of these pics are from when his grandfather owned it other is one took recently in passing on road i assume near Gap
  5. til you mount air compressor n power steering pump on back same length as 3406 or c15
  6. could get inline pressure regulating check vale at most hydraulic stores have a 65 psi on my pulling truck
  7. old fuel line sucking shut or something in tank blocking suction clogged primary fuel filter old algae growing in old fuel will block flow try running new fuel line into fuel can with fresh fuel
  8. Should be what hand primer is screwed into in center of v of pump
  9. do you get fuel out of return maybe stuck open not making pressure try a little ether maybe air bound or lift pump might be shot
  10. Long cap is puff limiter which limits rack travel until certain amount of boost from intake Tack is down in front between air comp n steering pump that fitting is return check valve is in pump or should be if it was me i would give it a good wash before taking anything apart
  11. little 2 bolt plate where pump mounts see if gear is turning when cranking pull top of governor or one of the 2 screw caps on front of pump to see if rack moves freely if rack is stuck the throttle n shut of will still move heres good video on setting the timing
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