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  1. BC Mack, I'm glad to see you are well on your way to being up and running-great pics too. Amazing how that little bit of rust causes so much work. I never did get around to fixing mine. I injured my shoulder ,which put that project (and many others)on the back burner...still trying to catch up. BTW-the easy access with that cab over is kinda like cheating to us guys who have to do it all on our backs -George
  2. Dupont Imron is great stuff indeed-or it was last time I used it ...sure it still is. As I understand it Magnums were painted with it from the factory. Black metalic body and black on the frame. If I remember right, back in the day,there was an optional hardener you could add to it also,dont know if it got DEP blackballed or not . tippi98custom with that treatment,your frame should last forever.
  3. that aint bad..not bad atol-thanx
  4. thunderdog-did you get em from you friendly nieghborhood Mack dealer?hate to be nosey(not really) ,but, how much they set ya back?-ballpark figure......thanx
  5. figures-thats the only piece I need
  6. anyone know if superliner headlight bezels are still "get-able"?
  7. very nice upgrade. They arent as cool,but I thought you could still get the originals from signal stat. I havent bought any for a few years tho-
  8. After blasting, if needed, I've used the whole POR15 process when doing car and truck frames and underbodys. The stuff aint cheap,but it holds up really well -its very hard and very flexible when you use the whole system. You can topcaot with anything you want-but I suggest doing so soon after priming,so you dont have to sand as much( thus losing a few mils of protection and busting your hump to do so) I've never had a problem,and I have stuff out there working and abused thats at least 10 years since redo They have the wash,prep,primer and paint. I'm fairly certain they have a couple filler products for pits also. Just make sure to use respirator..even if spraying just a little outside-I've had bad experiences when I didnt-hack,hack. Check em out online-----George
  9. good pics of a bad situation-I will let you know of any "breaking" news
  10. Really?-I never woulda guessed Next time I get out that way ,I'll try to snap some photos.
  11. also know a guy who has a clean 4wd Oshkosh single axle dump w/15 ft plow. really low miles-if interested I can get specs. I know nothing about them,but, when you're in it you can look down into my superliner like looking into a vette when in an F250. I was thinking about buying it. I couldnt trust meself in rush hour traffic when driving it tho-- pretty sure its a 57 redone and retagged by oshkosh in 77- think it has some kinda crazy twin overhead cam CAT in it.
  12. not sure--did you want a U mdl single axle dump? or you wanna go with a 4wd ford? A friend has a U. I can get specs if interested
  13. @ theakerstwo- I appreciate your input and I was thinkin the same thing at first,but as BC Mack said the access hole is so small and located so far to the rear on this tranny,I dont think it can be done. I will look at it again tho. I've done similar things on fullers and even other mack trannys, but this is the most ignorant setup I've ever had the displeasure to work on. @BC Mack-whatever you do-dont rely on stalling it ( I have found its not easy to do with that motor). Make sure your fuel shut off is adjusted well and everything on the cable is tightened down.You tend to pull on it harder when a wall is getting closer than you do at the end of a normal days running . I'm going to try to get mine out onto the pavement with a little more "runway" and try a higher gear and more go pedal action. I have ,however, already started to dig out the stuff we use to pull trannys. It would be real nice if we could slide it back enuff without having to lower it down. Even better if I didnt have to do any of it. Keep us updated-I will do the same. Good Luck to you-be safe-George
  14. I've been tryin to wrap my head around this clutch, and if I'm thinkin right(first time for everything:)) no matter what type of clutch configuration is in there(single plate,double plate,whatever) ,the only thing that would cause this problem is the front clutch plate being stuck to the flywheel-right??? I think I'm gonna beat on the P.P.a little more ,then, I'm gonna take 'er for a ride...maybe up and down my hill. Again I ask-Anyone know what the 4 T-60?torx bolts reccessed into holes in the back(trans side) of the P.P.are for??? I see the adj for wear bolt(5/8 head spring loaded)and the 2 1/2head bolts that hold the adj do-hicky on,but the torx bolts have me perplexed...which is usually a sign to leave them alone...if I was smart...which I aint -thanx to all for the advice thus far
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