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Everything posted by GEOD998

  1. phildirt- I PMed those numbers to you-thanks @leversole-good to know.Do you have any temp. papers during that time ?-I suppose for my purposes (township BS) the stuff from the notary would work while the the plates are on the way. Well,it's off to the Magistrates for me-again
  2. a quick off-topic...is there an easy way to know if a superliner is a Magnum from the VIN number? like a specific number or letter in the sequence?
  3. Does the notary have to send the stuff (proof of ins.,forms,title) in to PennDOT before anything happens,or can they issue the plate or temporary papers right then and there? Yes you are right,it would be good to have some ins.coverage-esp. at that price. Thanks again for the additional info
  4. WOW!!! You guys are the best! I was away from the computer for a couple days and I come back to all this great info! It seems you folks have answered each others questions as well and have a good grip on the details of this attack I'm experiencing. @MACKTRUCKS4- If you don't mind, could you enlighten me on the finer points of getting the plates? according to my math, she's old enuff for either type of plate. Any tips or tricks I should know about?? I assume I can get insurance reasonable if I do the antique/classic plate thing? I don't mind having insurance on it-as long as it doesnt cost an arm and a leg. This whole ordinance change thing was dropped on me about a month ago...something about BOCA laws.They claim it doesn't matter if the truck is sittin in the middle of my land in the woods, behind a fence,invisible to all, it is still illegal. On the other hand, it could be parked next to the road, if it is under a carport(roof only) visible to all-go figure. The road I speak of is an easement road which cuts thru 7 properties,3 of which I have bought thru the years,with only 2 past me,and I do lots of free work for everyone out here,so it better not be a neighbor complaint. Sorry,Just trying to paint a picture of the total absurdity-which is only made better when they gave me 15 days to comply to the new code after living here 29 years. I would also think it to be least unethical if not illegal for the code enforcement guy to be tryin to broker a deal with me,because his buddy wants to buy the truck-cheap-small town(ship) politics-eh?? I have a heavy frame for a carport here,just need some tin for a roof I guess,but I would like to drive this beast sometimes too. Again,you guys are very helpful, I truly appreciate all your suggestions/comments. I hope that somehow I might be able to repay your helpfulness-George
  5. I live in SW PA and I have an 85 Superliner(Magnum according to the markings). The township in which I reside has suddenly changed ordinances. Now,despite the fact that I own 9 1/2 acres(most of it wooded and not visible from the road) I need to get a license plate and inspection on this truck-pronto. Inspection would be no problem as I have replaced every brake,suspension and steering component on it over the past few years, and it hasn't gone anywhere to wear anything out. Plates on the otherhand mystify me...the only part I get about them is they are ex-pen-sive!!. The plates I had on it back when I worked the truck cost $1200+ if I'm not mistaken. I do realize I could plate it down to a point, but I don't think I could go lower than the tare of the truck without raising eyebrows . The next step on this truck was to be cosmetics(a little paint, a little putty, a little polish). I mention that because I hear horror stories about trying to get classic and antique plates if the truck isn't in pristine condition. Most of these stories are from guys who want to get this truck cheap,or the code enforcement guy---who has a friend that wants this truck cheap . I see a bunch of fellow Pennsylvanians in here-so- I'm all ears. Help!!! I'm at wits end here! Thanks
  6. thanx again-I'll check them out
  7. anyone have any recommendations for a diesel pump shop? particularly one that would know what I'm talking about (because I think we've already determined that I surely dont ). I kinda doubt that there's one within driving distance to me, so if I gotta pay for shipping anyway ,I'd prefer to go with someone that doesnt get hostile when I ask for a part that isnt original to the truck/pump-you know, someone who really knows their stuff outside of the catalog. It's been a few years since I did any hardcore "re-engineering" ,but I used to get really tired of sayin "whatta ya mean I can't do that!?!"
  8. looks like the plug in mine comes out and the plunger goes in? could it be that easy?
  9. BAD DOG-it seems my truck has everything in the pic except the plunger. . You've been a tremendous help. 84 superdog- I'm wondering if a 6 cyl mack plunger would work? I,d just be happy if I get it running...then maybe I'll get fancy-lol. If you have a primer on that,could you zoom out on that pic a little bit ? thanks a million
  10. perhaps I should ask,on the AMBAC pumps with the hand primer,what did you have to do to "release" the plunger for hand use? To describe my setup again, at the rear of the center "galley" of the injector pump, I have what I think would have to be a transfer pump.Lines from both the primary and secondary fuel filter go in horizonally: one on each side, in the top of that, there is a vertical 7/8 bolt/plunger (maybe) tilted toward the front of the truck, a 1/4 bolt seems to pass thru the large "bolt" horizonally (perhaps a keeper?). Bottom line-I dont want to mess with anything on that pump if I'm not sure what it is. Thanks again for any insight into this. BTW what do you mean by "in the archives?"
  11. Thanks for the quick replies.Bad Dog- does what I'm describing sound like what you have on your 84?I'm trying to get this pup goin after a few years. Seems to be a solo mission...all my helpers disappeared when it didnt fire up in 5 minutes(typical) :-/ . I hate using any more ether than I have to. You wouldnt happen to have a picture of the top of that pump would ya? Thanx much- Geo
  12. Sorry for a stupid question,but here goes-Do any of the AMBAC pumps on the V-8s have hand primers on them? If not what is the large (7/8?)bolt/plug in the rear center of the pump that sticks almost straight up? It is in the housing which both filter hoses connect to. Thanks for any help
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