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About JST

  • Birthday 11/08/1968


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  • Interests
    Big Trucks and Big Bull Dozer.

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  1. Hey guys, I have been real busy and haven't had much time to check in in a while. I appreciate your replys.
  2. I contacted Volvo through their contact us link. I actually got a reply back. it said blah blah dealerships are independent owned we have no control over what they park where. blah blah blah We have plans to improve Mack and understand that it has a strong following blah blah blah.
  3. Hey thanks guys for the input. I am looking to buy a new truck. And am trying to decide what to get. I really don't think I want anyting real new. I am looking in the 2003 range. I would be heavy hauling and pulling a flatbed. Any input would be great.
  4. Is there a web sight that has Truck blue book price. Like kelley or nada does for cars and pickups.? Thanks
  5. Dang had me going now I have to go pout.
  6. Hey guys I am new to Mack trucks as far as over the road types. We use them in the oil company I work for but for rig up trucks and stuff. How do they compare to Petes or KWs.? And if I were to get a new one for over the road heavy haul use which would you guys recommend. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hey thanks for the replys guys. I talked to one of the boss's today. He has been at the Mack dealership in Enid. I guess they have a custom shop on location there to build what you want as far as beds winches ginpoles etc. I think he orderd two I don't know what the specs are on em though.
  8. I work for an oil co. We have several really big Macks that we use for rig up trucks. We call one the RD and one the big dog. The big dogs bumper is about chest high. ( how cool is that) The RD is a 74 model I think. Can anybody tell me what RD stands for. Thanks
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