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Everything posted by steelman

  1. I believe it is a 672.
  2. I can arrange transportation if you want.
  3. Two (2)
  4. Thank you. The trucks are complete with the exception of the engines. Someone had removed them before I got them. Everything else is there, including the radiators and transmissions. I asked $1,000 each or best offer. Scrap price is probably 700 to 800 , and that would be ok. I would rather see someone get them and use them rather than turning them into refrigerators and Toyota's. Steelman
  5. The trucks are at my shop in Virginia, 50 miles south of DC.
  6. Forgot to include pictures of the two trucks for sale. Have more pictures if interested. Both trucks run very well. The 9000 body is rough, but the engine was rebuilt. The compact is in very good shape, and runs very well. Was going to use it as a yard dog (which we did with the 9000). Too many projects, I'm too old. Asking scrap price. Figured someone could use these.
  7. Forgot to include pictures. Have many more if interested. Sheet metal is good. Interiors are ok also. Good for someone restoring one or making a ratrod.
  8. mack AL engine for sale or trade for AC truck/parts. caricoinc@verizon.net, 540.371.2301 nights or 540.373.5983 days
  9. looking for ac wood spoke wheels, front and rear, 3 1/2 ton / 5 1/2 or 7 ton. caricoinc@verizon.net, 540.371.2301 or 540.373.5983 days.
  10. (1) white 9000, 1962 , father bought new. Engine rebuilt , body rough, runs great. $1k obo (1) white compact, runs good, body good, $1k obo caricoinc@verizon.net, 540.371.2301 or 540.373.5983 days.
  11. Two (2) for sale KB8 tractors for sale or trade for mack ac truck or parts. Trucks are complete except no engines. $1,000 ea. OBO. caricoinc@verizon.net, 540.371.2301 or 540.373.5983 days
  12. I have a mack diesel engine and transmission from a bus. Marked 11/24/47, C918- 16-2-1. Ran when I removed approx. 15 years ago. Would like to sell or trade for AC parts, particularly solid tires/wheels, wood spoke especially. caricoinc@verizon.net, or 540.373.5983 days, 540.371.2301 nights.
  13. Sorry for the inadvertant question reqarding price. it won't happen again.
  14. Very nice AC! Was this at an auction? When and where was it? What did the truck go for?
  15. I have an engine and tranny out of a Mack bus. Will check and see what it is. The engine is a diesel, I believe a 672. caricoinc@verizon.net
  16. I have a 1948 EF I would sell. It runs great, and I have new wheel cylinders and master cylinder for the brakes. It was sandblasted by a previous owner, primed, and then nothing. It has light surface rust, and some rust through in a couple of places. Have a title, etc. If interested, contact me at caricoinc@verizon.net. I am in Virginia, 50 miles south of DC.
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