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    Montville Ohio

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    Restore farm and metal working machinery.

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  1. Where would the proper place be to check the fuel pressure ? Also, would that be inline with a tee? Or, dead end to the gauge? Yes. On trying to restart. Turn the key off. Turn the key on to start and the motor just spins over. You would think the warm engine would refire. But without ether it will not restart. The motor spins over the same speed it did as before all this started. This started about two weeks ago. Air, Fuel and combustion. It seems simple, but I do not understand why it will not start without starting fluid. Is there something with the computer that controls starting? Because once it starts. The motor runs well all day from idle to top end. Never misses, pulls good. So that is why I am asking for help. I can not understand what happened basically overnight. Thank You !!
  2. My 99 CL 713 E7 350 will not start without ether. A few squirts of ether and it starts. Runs good. Replaced the fuel filters. Someone told me about a fuel check valve on side of the block. So took it apart. O ring was gone. Thought great, found the problem. Replaced check valve, and fuel line from check valve to filters. So went to start, nothing. Got to thinking. Maybe the injectors were dripping instead of misting. So it would not start. But when running has enough fuel pressure to run. Well, I have been wanting new injectors. So put new injectors in. Still nothing ?? But I do have great throttle response ! Let it run all day today. Got home, shut it off. Went to start it and still nothing. Anybody have this problem ?? The engine was rebuilt at 350,000 miles. It has 497,000 now. So the engine is still fairly new. What should I look at now ?? Any help is greatly appreciated ! Thank you.
  3. So, I have been looking for a Model R dump truck. I know many R road tractors have been turned into dump trucks. I have been told these have weak frames because they were ment to pull trailers. Which makes since to me. I did see a R advertised with a double frame. Are there certain years or model numbers I should be looking for? I will be using this on the farm. I will be hauling topsoil and gravel. Not every day heavy use. Thank you for your time.
  4. J Hancock, Thank you! To everyone else, Thank you for your time and comments.
  5. I am looking to buy a Model R dump truck. I want one that is all Mack. Someone told me, that an all Mack truck should have a gold Bulldog. I do not remember ever seeing a Model R with a gold Bulldog. I thought the engine,transmission rear-end and springs made it a purebread. Please correct me. Just want to be informed. Than you.
  6. Thanks Dave, Neat piece if history!! Just wonder where new tri-axles are? Who's buying them? I know in the 80's it seemed like all the construction companies in north east Ohio had them. Early 90's was the last time I saw a tri-axle on the road. Now it seems to be a tandem with four helpers. I am a model B & R guy. Would love to see a B tri-axle. Like the spec sheet showed with six tires would be odd looking.
  7. Does someone know when the first and last Mack tri-axle was made? I know a company in the akron area was running some DM'S in the early 90's. But I have not seen any on the road since. I just remember if you did alot of tight turning, you were ripping tires off.
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