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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by j_martell

  1. Heres a few, more are in the rrr gallery Actually looks good on a cellphone camera, but the paint is terrible in person, mostly the hood and doors, and rear fenders. Ill try an get some of the under pinnings later this week if I have some time
  2. The electronic hand throttle function defeats the shut down mode. My 2011 does it to, parking brakes on, turn on cruise, use the throttle to put the revs where you want them, and hit set for the cruise, then use the accel and decel to move the revs up and down. After some time however, the hand throttle will drop, and idle will return to normal, and will eventually shut down, or at least on the 2002 I had on the farm, and the 2011 I run now. Someone with more knowledge than I will chime in I'm sure.
  3. Ha,.we'll see. We were too late to catch any pulls, but lots of lights......took a few more pics, but most are.too dark I think. Here's that B-61.....still didn't see the guy that owns it.
  4. Ha. My computer savy wife was able to cheat and get some pics in my gellery. And we are headed back out to catch some pulls. When I get home, ill put the good ones in this thread
  5. 2013 Fergus Truck Show Couldn't get many, due to a gumpy little one, but I tried.
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