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  1. and to think I get bummed out when my bluetooth radio disconnects from my phone while I'm plowing in my 930K cat loader 😁
  2. nobody gives a crap about anything anymore
  3. cat trucks in the US did NOT have cat motors. They were navistar motors painted yellow. a CT15 is NOT a C15 cat. It's a junk navistar/international motor
  4. my kw t880 has 2 clocks, radio and by the speedo...both set differently, and both keep different time...in 3 days they are already 3 minutes apart 🤮
  5. not bashing anyone in particular, except for this un named shop (which is not a dealer), and as far as i'm concerned, if it takes 3 trips back to a repair shop to get a problem fixed and all they do is change more parts, that makes them parts changers
  6. might try it some day it doesn't go to work, and all the used ones i found were over $1300!
  7. they have taken it to the shop (not mack) and the mechanic says it needs a new one. they aren't the best, kinda just parts changers. sometimes the gauges work, sometimes not, seatbelt light and buzzer are beeping constantly, mileage and hours comes and goes randomly. I have seem some info about a ground problem, but i have not taken it apart myself
  8. We have an early 07 granite (gray motor) brown interior, that needs a new gauge cluster. Supposedly been on national backorder from Mack for months. Are there any aftermarket ones? Any idea where else to get one?
  9. i think they have a laborer running brad's pete around, i saw it once on 59. otherwise they just sit in the garage I guess. I think theres still a few t&w trucks running panels and powder around, and the diamond trucks picking up stone for redi mix, but no more naperville drivers. kind of a shame
  10. Yup, you want to talk about a screwball operation. I was the last driver to use it. Frame on the truck is rotted thru over the airbags on the lift axle, and the trailer is so far gone, the mechanic wouldn't touch it to weld up the problems. They say it's cheaper to pay sunset to move everything. I left in October after the trailer failed the safety inspection. Probably used to be good place, but not any more. Brad, the only other driver left, retired this spring. Now they have no drivers
  11. i was refering to the double coin, not the roadmasters...have heard the roadmasters are good tires, double coins went fast
  12. ran a set on the drives, lasted like a year. They definitely don't last as long as a big name brand. Caps last longer than that
  13. easy off oven cleaner...really...you'll have to experiment, usually takes lettering and pinstripe off and leaves the factory paint alone
  14. sorry, been plowing. Its very vague, doesn't really say how to do it. Not a surprise for Illinois. i found this on the interweb, no idea what it takes to get one https://instantpermits.com/illinois-fuel-trip-permit
  15. https://www2.illinois.gov/rev/research/taxinformation/motorfuel/Pages/motorfuelpermits.aspx looks like our fine state makes you use a private service to buy the permit
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