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Everything posted by Nobody454

  1. out of warranty, so didn't bother with the dealer...but everything i've heard says they will deny warranty repair even on brand new trucks with 10,000 miles and call it "fuel contamination"
  2. given time, i think most 6.7 fords will fail due to the fuel system. just my 2 cents. the pressure and the tolerances necessary for the emissions bulls&*t might work in a lab with perfectly clean non bio-fuel, but in the real world I don't think it does...And again I am (or was) a ford guy And I agree 100% about the cummins with an allison in a pickup. Whoever built it would be king of the hill, hands down
  3. ford 6.7 is JUNK. And I'm a Ford guy. 68000 miles on a 2011, needs high pressure fuel pump, and new injectors, to the tune of $9000. GM uses the same junk fuel pump. I guess there is no good choice any more with emissions
  4. so Mack is a "vocational" truck...and you have to take off the bumper to get to the tow hooks...I think the engineers must have their neckties on way too tight. that has to be the dumbest thing I've heard in at least 5 minutes
  5. never seen a mack city truck here...fords, sterlings, freightshakers, etc. kinda ugly looking
  6. and everyone gets a participation trophy, welcome to the new America
  7. i guess 1 of the rattletrap RDs lost 3rd and 7th gear and then started leaking trans oil faster than they could put it in...so they swapped the plates to the R and went back to work!
  8. 85 R model still earning its keep!
  9. gotcha. we have 1 with 140k miles and 12000 hrs, and we just drive around town, thats why it seemed strange to me
  10. says 9000 hours on the hr meter?? 83000 miles and 9000 hrs don't make sense. lots of idle time
  11. if you go with Fitzgeralds you can go 2 routes with the detroit. one is rebuild by Fitzgeralds, and costs a little less i think. The other is a factory detroit rebuilt and has a factory warranty you can take to any detroit dealer like inland/interstate for warrany work. the mulch guy i haul for has 2 with the factory rebuilt and has had no problems
  12. glider with a 6nz cat will prob run you $25k extra over a detroit
  13. the ones I've seen, you can dig the material out with an excavator, and gently push on the floor with the bucket and it will sit back down. the ones with the draft arms backwards into the suspension of the tractor don't usually "gently" come down
  14. I don't think Nagel ever built another Axle trailer? Did they?
  15. Those Scanias belong to donegal exc. Yep, he's Irish. Bought EF Heil landfill by Boughton too
  16. not many places can say that anymore
  17. all this junk is on the road because all the big guys have figured out that they can charge $125 HR for a truck and find some dummy who thinks he is making good money @ $70 but cant buy the right bumper for his truck. So the big guys sit in the office making all the $$$ not owning any trucks...and the poor saps that run for them make NOTHING just my 2 cents
  18. look at this custom vision i saw at the dump today...must be a joint venture with navistar...never saw an international bumper on a mack before!
  19. that actually looks pretty well cared for...not normal for around here
  20. i bet that made jimmy trumbull's head explode
  21. Couple i took today, phone works pretty good. The Console lowboy was really far away.
  22. https://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/hvo/6198720722.html think this one is in here somewhere...r model with the kw looking grill
  23. Saw a AA Conte RD at vulcan in Lake Bluff today...that was pretty strange...long way from home!
  24. if you look at google maps of A.A. Conte it looks like 37 R model tractors! I don't know when the last time they left yard was
  25. i bet that would melt the lighter outlet in about 10 seconds!
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