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Everything posted by Nobody454

  1. prob headed to NJ for a boat ride...I know that's where the '72 r model we sold a couple years ago went
  2. I think this is one of the sharpest r models still around...especially with the axle trailer. I'm sure it's already on here, but it can't hurt to show it again
  3. Still got your truck? Or driving for Johler full time?
  4. didn't recognize you without the red truck! after you went by I thought about it
  5. their website says they just changed the name...but you know how that works
  6. most of the time that yard is crammed full of trucks and trailers, then you wouldn't be able to see it
  7. we have a 07 granite with 11000 hrs and 140000 miles. all depends on what you do. this truck only works 8 hrs a day, local dump and lowboy truck....to me 20000hrs is WAY low for a 2000...but anything is possible
  8. yep, they got bought out, and then went under. I think they had an auction last thursday
  9. if you drove up i355 to get to Geneva, you drove right past the house!
  10. I have prob seen 10 like that if the gate is locked a 1/4 frame will stand up straight and proud on the gate. I bet its a fun ride up!
  11. i hope that superliner gets taken care of at hager...its too nice a truck to get beat on like some of their others...
  12. never seen a Hager superliner?
  13. they still had the superliner in the shop at the end, I dont think it ever made it real far away after the auction. I saw it a couple years ago in the industrial park right behind the old shop. should have bought it at the auction...i think it went for $11k
  14. not sure where to put this...superliner originally owned by ruffalo is back on craigslist...really a beautiful truck http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/cto/5485266715.html
  15. We worked pretty much through Xmas this year...slow now but hopefully mulch will start a little sooner this year. Usually start with them end of march
  16. even the bumper on my 2011 F250 looks big and mean...but you can pick it up off the ground with 2 fingers
  17. Not sure if this is it, but I have 2. Not in a mack box, but signalstat
  18. i will check - might have a couple at the shop - we got rid of the last mack a few years ago, but still have some parts left on the shelf - I know there were a few roof marker lights - I will check the part #s
  19. i think your friend with the gas job rollback will find that the truck needs to stop at every gas station it drives by! tow company by me had a gas job F550, the best they got was 6 mpg. they traded it a month ago for a F550 6.7 diesel
  20. usually when we wreck a house, the company truck takes the scrap. This last house, the boss had me take it in...he wasn't happy when he figured out the check I brought back was less than he paid me to take it there. hardly worth separating it at this point.
  21. i have a 2011, only have 47000 on it. replaced egr cooler under warranty, the 2 other guys who have them did it also. currently waiting on a DEF heater that is on national backorder, so I have to assume that is also a regular problem. other than that, lots of power, decent mileage, 16 around town, 21 highway. not sure I will want to own it once the warranty is up. All those emission related repairs are REALLy expensive, just like the big trucks
  22. just remember that with all the switches locked, everything touching the ground is trying to spin, I think it's much easier to break something driveline related with the lockers all on. I have full lockers on my Pete, but I only use them to get "OUT" never "IN", if you know what I mean
  23. do all your tires still hold air? That has to be one of the worst scrapyards to go in...how much is scrap down now? pretty terrible last time I went
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