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  1. I have held down each rocker while running none loose and can't stop the noise, no misfire just a slight fuel knock which is normal for this engine. Thanks
  2. Hi guys, I had my 1986 R in the field the other day idled up to around 1,000 rpm's using the air to run an impact wrench. All the sudden out of the blue the engine started pecking, I immediately shut it down checked the oil all good. Eased it home and with my high tech steel rod chased the sound to the valve train. Pulled the covers off found a dynatard solenoid loose and stripped out, replaced the front rocker shaft and solenoid ran the complete overhead. Didn't help at all, with engine running i loosened each injector line one at a time the noise never stopped which leads me to believe the noise is in the top. All valve adjustments look the same so I don't suspect a tappet problem. Please help, harvest starts next week got to have a dump truck...
  3. Thanks, i'll ask about the tool tomorrow.
  4. Thanks for all the replies, I talked to 3 different injector shops today got the same answer from all 3 places. According to them since it is only a hot problem it is weak plungers in the pump which equals rebuild. One told me he would drive that truck across country just don't cut it off, but if you do shut down pour a jug of cool water over the pump and it will crank right back up. Gonna try that next. Any tips on removing the pump and timing? Thanks
  5. All fuel lines go to the same tank. Yes I've had the truck out to haul 3 loads of grain since the drive train work its like a new truck on the road. I don't know what the fuel is set on the guy before me pulled a 963 cat with it (over weight), but when you stomp the pedal everything behind you turns black doesn't seem to be any loss of power. The fuel line from the tank to the pump is hard plastic like air brake line. This all started when I serviced it I'm gonna get another fuel filter and try again. Where is the bleeder screw for the hand primer? Thanks
  6. Hi Guys, I'm new here hope someone can help. I recently bought a 1986 R688ST dump truck, seemed like a solid truck but in the first 3,000 miles dropped the T2070 Tranny, then the front rear (both fixed now), and now a fuel problem. This is an E6 350 with an Ambac 300 pump, starts and runs great (cold) but now after driving 30 mins or so then shutting the engine off when you try to start while engine is hot it will start and run maybe 5 seconds skip a few times and shut down. You can wind it over til the batteries are nearly dead it will finally start and run fine again. It starts fine cold, but does this every time hot. Where to start? Just changed oil and all filters, all lines look ok. Thanks
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