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Truckracer2234 last won the day on December 26 2013

Truckracer2234 had the most liked content!


  • Location
    Mesa az

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    Building and racing cars. Preserving things that where made by Americans with American parts and built with American pride

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  1. insert for a unishift shifter.
  2. We hauled 2 off-road desert trucks to show in a display for a friend who sponsored a diesel drags day. The truck on the front is a class 7 truck and the one on the back is a diesel powered truck
  3. Do they have replaceable bulbs? Mine have hid's in them.
  4. Yes there halogens. Love the brightness just not so much the housings they where the least ricer ish ones I could find
  5. Here is a picture of ( Elroy)
  6. Drove him 45 miles to dinner and back. Am constantly in awe how much positive attention it draws. Kids always asking what it is and how old never gets old!!
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