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Mr Black

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Everything posted by Mr Black

  1. Thanks for sharing - enjoyed watching this
  2. Yes, there are a few pictures on the FB page below. https://www.facebook.com/SixStarTransport/?ref=bookmarks
  3. Looks and sounds awesome - too good to be confined to a yard! Would be great to see some more pictures once back on the road.
  4. Only problem with that video is that I now want a 2 Stroke R Model Great find
  5. Very cool truck - can't wait to hear it
  6. Also, if you look at the comments on the BC4K Facebook post, it seems that the Perth replica is now in Tasmania.
  7. Yes, working on a couple of other R Models also but they are a fair way off yet. Will post some pictures. Still have a few finishing touches but otherwise ready to go.
  8. Sorry Tim, you may have to copy and paste the links if they don't work (or I can send them by personal message). We put this one together as a West Coast replica, including RS hood. Still has all Mack running gear.
  9. Please visit the site below if you would like to see (what is likely) Australia’s only RS700L replica leading this year’s Brisbane Convoy for Kids. https://sixstartransport.com.au/bc4k/ Funds pledged go to an extremely worthy cause. Hope you can help. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1773537022693194&id=167258509987728&set=a.437481672965409.112703.167258509987728
  10. Very nice - looks great in black with the standard bumper and 10 studs on the front Don't see many like this in AU
  11. Nice truck, but they should've used a shortened Superliner hood with all that height
  12. They should never have stopped
  13. Really nice work - great to see
  14. I found the one on Watts, but they haven't confirmed whether they will post to AU I would assume it is stainless given the price
  15. Yes, but would rather pick up a 2nd hand one if possible
  16. Would anyone happen to have a Superliner Hood Bezel (top plate) that they are interested in selling (see picture below)? To make things more difficult, I am in Australia (but would of course pay for postage). Difficult to come across one in good condition down here. Thanks
  17. Great - thanks jkruss82 and Vladislav I really appreciate the help
  18. Thanks BIBP - much appreciated
  19. Hoping someone can help me identify which hose from the top of a T2090 goes to the "Outlet" on the range change valve on the gear stick. It is either the green or the red hose in the picture below. The range selector valve was removed but (unfortunately) nobody took a note of the plumbing. One of the hose ports on the range selector valve is marked "Outlet" but I don't recall if that port took the red or the green hose. Can anyone help? Thanks
  20. Hoping someone can help me identify which hose from the top of a T2090 goes to the "Outlet" on the range change valve on the gear stick. It is either the green or red hose in the picture below. The range selector valve was removed but (unfortunately) nobody took a note of the plumbing. One of the hose ports on the range change valve is marked "Outlet" but I don't recall if it took the red or the green hose. Can anyone help? Thanks
  21. Hoping that someone with a Series 1 or 2 Superliner can help with some dimensions. I am after the width and height of the front grille. Undertaking a project but won't have the hood for a month or so and would like to start looking for a bull bar now so I have it all ready to put together once I have the hood. If anyone can provide the grille dimensions so I can pick up a bull bar that suits it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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