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  1. I got the crane in Denver, and transported it to Riverside California. It is siting there. It has been there for a while.
  2. On the front of the AC Mack there is a piece that holds the hand-crank, somewhat circulular with about 8 or more bolts that holds in on. I have this piece, but it is cracked. Tried to weld it, but it is aluminum, and old, so no luck. Any idea where to get a "new" one?
  3. I've got an old 1923 AC Mack. Farely complete, but needs a few parts here and there. Who do we call for these parts?
  4. Yep, poor man twin screw. Have seen a few similar equiped Macks. At most shows yo will be the only one with the banjo.
  5. We had a registry for H models a few year ago. I have a copy of it somewhere.
  6. Your state is not the only one with these issues. Drove my 56 Mack with historical plates cross country a few year ago. I did not try to bypass the commercial scales, just drove thru them. Weight was not an issue, so I was usually ok. A few states stopped me and said I need commercial diesel use permits to drive on their highways. I tried the I am not a commercail vehicle routine, and they use similar weight restrictions. Anything over XXX pounds was a commercial vehicle in their opinion, weather wearing hisstorical plates or not. While I disagreed with them, it was easier to pay the permit than argue. New Mexico and Colorado were the two that come to my mind right now.
  7. Hi Tony H62/63 are not unknow here in California, just rare. I have one Ed Dilginins has one, and there are a few others here and there. I am south of you in Riverside, and Ed is South of me in San Diego. Mine is a 62. The 62 has the same body as the 63 but came with a gas engine. Mine has some history. Was originally a 3 axle rig with Mack gas engine. Prior to original delivery Mack gasser was removed and a Hall Scott gas engine installed. I guess the Hall Scott spent a lot of time refueling, becausse they had the dealer install a Mack ENDT 673 turbo engine, the stock engine for the H63. So I now have a H62 badged essentially H63 Mack. Unfortunatly someone removed the twin screw from the truck and it is now single rear axle. There were only 64 H62's produced and less than a handfull, of 3 axle 62's. This has been a great runner for me over the last 20 years. I am currently experiencing an electrical issue. The 24/12 solenoid or some other electric issue is preventing it from starting. If you get down this way call and can show you the Mack. We are in Riverside.
  8. The Gear VEndors will not help you much when hauling loads. It has a 22% overdrive. 3rd overdrive is not much different than 4th direct. You say you cannot hand you high gear now, so the gear vendor will not help you. An empty truck looking for lower rpm at high freeway speeds might like the gear vendor
  9. Saw some photos of the Sterling bullet. Dodge Chassis and Cummins engine. Clone of the dodge except for the different front end sheet metal (or should I say plastic there days), and PTO on the tranny.
  10. While I have many road hours in my 50's Mack I still gotta love the early ones. The AC Mack is what I first think of when I think of Mack. The bulldog from WWI is the AC Mack. By the time you get to the 50's there were many brands of trucks. In WWI for heavy duty work there was the Mack. The AC started the get it done reputation for Mack.
  11. One of my more interesting Mack moves was the 1923 AC (with a P&H crane attached) from Denver to Riverside CA. I have a pretty low lowboy trailer (about 21" from the ground to the bed area), but the AC on the trailer was over 14 feet tall. Eisenhower tunnel just west of Denver is resticted to 13'6". Had to remove the rear tires on the AC to get it down to 13'6" (either that or take the bypass road that goes some 5000 feet higher elevation from the allready high road). On a normal vehicle removeing tires is not so big a deal. The AC has a single very wide hard rubber wheel and tire. Spell that very heavy. Eventually got it off and stowed. With hydraulic jacks and wood blocks lowered the AC and blocked the axles and chained her down. Alos lowered the boom to get it below the 13'6" threshold. Other that having the Arizona Highway Patrol chase me down (not much of a chase for them) not to many unusual events on the trip home. Pulled the load with my 1956 H62. This 62 had the gas engine removed (buy the local Mack dealer) and the H63 type ENDT 673 installed. The addition of the diesel was nice. Unfortunatly at some time the rear duall axles were replaced with a single Mack real axle. For this load the single axle would have propably been over the maximum of 20,000# so rented a joe dog to make it a 3 axle truck. A Joe dog is a trucker term for apparatus that hooks up to the truck 5th wheel, adds another axle and has a fifth wheel connector. The ENDT pulled the hills in Colorado, but did not set any speed records. The triplex earned is way on this trip.
  12. I like the quote I saw this week from a tractor collector. "If you can count them you do not have enough!"
  13. That should be one good pulling Mack. Body is sure beat up. Hope the winch is well secured to the frame. Could pull the whole assembly off it is not.
  14. Great site! horsepower and torque figures. Thanks
  15. I know the horsepower for the ENDT is around 207, what is the rated torque? this is for a mid 50's model Mack.
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