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fifth wheel

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About fifth wheel

  • Birthday July 4


  • Location
    Central MA

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    Antique cars, trucks, tractors,& equipment.
    General Contractor owner
    Operator, Mechanic, Welder
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  1. RWS- steel rails, RWL - aluminum rails FW
  2. As well as a 10 speed transmission. FW
  3. Any info on replacement windshield for Autocars?


    Read more  
    1. fifth wheel

      fifth wheel

      For that truck I think I can get them.


  4. Oil slinger, no seal. FW
  5. Repo Swan Island Sheet metal, Portland OR FW
  6. When they came out their advertising literature said "we just un cornered the dump body market" in the 70's I think. FW
  7. I have bits and pieces of one of these, the body is hydraulic, pump mounted to the base of the cylinder. FW
  8. Pressure test the aftercooler for leaks. FW
  9. Tilted engines 743 and 855, White 4000, 9000, Ford N, LN, LNT, Brockway 359, 361, GMC-Chev 9500, Brigadier, Bison and few others. FW
  10. I have had many parts cast, the difficulty is a good piece for a pattern. FW
  11. Of the diesel powered X's , 81X, 813X, 83X, and 815X. 47, 38, 19, and 2 for a total of 106 units, I have no listing for the B80's. FW
  12. I believe this was originally a B 60 FW
  13. E Models didn't have wing vents, A models used them. FW
  14. The ends are serviceable, many times you can rotate the ball stud and tighten the end plug. FW
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