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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. RWS- steel rails, RWL - aluminum rails FW
  2. As well as a 10 speed transmission. FW
  3. Oil slinger, no seal. FW
  4. Repo Swan Island Sheet metal, Portland OR FW
  5. When they came out their advertising literature said "we just un cornered the dump body market" in the 70's I think. FW
  6. I have bits and pieces of one of these, the body is hydraulic, pump mounted to the base of the cylinder. FW
  7. Pressure test the aftercooler for leaks. FW
  8. Tilted engines 743 and 855, White 4000, 9000, Ford N, LN, LNT, Brockway 359, 361, GMC-Chev 9500, Brigadier, Bison and few others. FW
  9. I have had many parts cast, the difficulty is a good piece for a pattern. FW
  10. Of the diesel powered X's , 81X, 813X, 83X, and 815X. 47, 38, 19, and 2 for a total of 106 units, I have no listing for the B80's. FW
  11. I believe this was originally a B 60 FW
  12. E Models didn't have wing vents, A models used them. FW
  13. The ends are serviceable, many times you can rotate the ball stud and tighten the end plug. FW
  14. I have these available for the aluminum frame windshields as well as the single piece for the hinge type. Contact nekservices@aol.com
  15. pre war E's and L's used them. then the E's, L's, W's and H's used the CB lights. FW
  16. I have posted this before, I have and read and article about Brockway and its development of the Brockway Superliner. I will find it soon and report back, I do remember a person from Brockway had many drawings and renderings and went to Mack to reveal them and Mack retained them. all for now until I find the article. FW
  17. I sent you a PM FW
  18. There is one on Ebay. FW
  19. Was that the era that Mack did not recommend to reuse the bolts? FW
  20. More of a liability issue, I am sure it can be welded if it has been welded when manufactured. FW
  21. I have the seal for the frame to the glass for A model Macks, this is NOS and in usable condition. 150$ shipped out, PM me. FW
  22. I am looking for 2 Front Tow Clevises and Pins or one clevis and one Tow Eye. FW
  23. D 468 2,300 lbs., D 312 1,670 lbs. FW
  24. For the air scales,looks like it was used for logging. I like Cummins powered Macks. FW
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