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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. I talked to him once, he was with his truck, that many years ago. FW
  2. Isn't the 5 speed Maxitorque the fastest overdrive, something like .67/.68 FW
  3. R lo-low, 1st lo-low, 2 R,1,2,3,4,5 low 6 R,1,2,3,4,5 high 6 ____ 14 Good gearing but the lighter 67 series. FW
  4. The RWS722LST I posted a few months ago, the owner has it on craigs list Worcester MA. FW
  5. Rutland Truck Show, (1992). Mack B71, Wellington Service, Somerville MA. I was at their auction in 1987, They had two B71's this one and another one that was sold to a contractor in Leominster MA. I bought a single axle extendable pole trailer, why?. So I asked the guy from Leominster MA if he could take my trailer to his yard. He says I don't have a license to drive it or a plate. I'll drive it if you let me take my trailer, I know where your yard is, he says ok.My friend put on his dealer plate, and off I went to his yard,leaving the buyer not knowing who drove off with his truck. A week later went up to get the trailer and the guy laughed about it. The truck ran good, 220 and 9 sp. He put a snow plow and sander on it ,and saw it for about ten years, it is gone now. B61ST, Rockingham VT (1992). FW
  6. Some old photos, Mack LTL fitted with a clariben hood, mid 80's, TX. Truck brought back to orignal look, ATHS show Baltimore MD (1988). the truck was driven TX. to MD., and is still around. FW
  7. Ray, all for it, start with yours. FW
  8. The General didn't use the Astro cab,and yes the doors are the same. GMC started development of the Astro in 1967,and first produced in 1969. 1977 is correct for the General but probably started deveopmet eariler around the time of the Brockliner. My Astro, 1987, 400 Cummins BCII, 13sp, air ride. FW
  9. 5 Star General, Worcester Ma (2012). FW
  10. More lo-beds 60's Autocar DC99, Hyster trailer, folding neck, Holden MA. (1987) B80X, Schertzer trailer,City of Worcester, Worcester MA. (1987). FW
  11. I sent you a PM. FW
  12. I hauled container freight 2006-2008 MA,CT,RI, NH,and VT. Easiest work the truck ever did. FW
  13. A good buy for somebody. This truck has a straight steering column, wonder if it has the dropped floor. FW
  14. The 5 Star General 1978/79 The RWS 1978 from 1979 GMC brochure from 1981 Mack brochure Look very similar, always liked the Generals and others in the GMC line. from 1983 GMC brochure, aluminum cab ,fiberglass doors, offered 108" and 116" BBC. Detroit,Cummins, and CAT engines. single stack FW
  15. Came across these, (2013) (2013) FW
  16. Truck show pictures, B 75ST,Rutland VT (1992), I like the look of this one. RW , ATHS Green Mountain Show (2012) FW
  17. Truck show pictures, Rutland VT. Mack LTL with lo-bed (1992) B 61 with a hopper bottom? (1992) B 61ST (1992) FW
  18. Lo-beds, Mid 80's Autocar, 3406,13sp., Hendrickson spring. (2005) Peterbilt , Milford Ma (1995). 350 Cat, rented this machine for a road job, run 957 hrs in a little over 3 months. FW
  19. Just skip over 3rd and 7th. FW
  20. Some B 60 series, B 61SX, Templeton MA, (1994), This one was parted out around 2004, B 61SX, Worcester MA, (1987), This one and my SX are of the 10 trucks from the New York / New Jersey road job. This is the 4th owner, haven't seen it in over 20 years. FW
  21. This is a plate done with that process. FW
  22. The photo etch process, yes. FW
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