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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. Few more B 80 series, B 81SX kept inside, Worcester MA (2013) B 815SX , Marlboro MA (ATHS 1991), wonder if this truck is still around? B81SX (19?) I haven't seen this one in a long time. FW
  2. Like the factory color green. FW
  3. Nice photo. Sharp truck, looks like a TK with a tag. thanks for posting.. FW
  4. A few more on the job, P.Gioioso, photo Worcester MA. (1992) Delfarno, photo Worcester MA. )1989) R. Levesque, Monson MA (1991) FW
  5. Roll-off set up, getting fuel. (2012) Millbury MA. FW
  6. Going to be the last night of hauling snow FW
  7. Great information and pictures, thanks for posting. FW
  8. A few more, DC 200, I can't remember where this was. (1980's) photo. DC 100 ? heavy suspension, 24" tires. The owner had a dump body on it and I hired it in 1982 to haul out of a job, then he hauled silage on his farm. I ended up with it.(1999). FW
  9. RW advertisements, Good for Mack Trucks, considering it is promoting oil. (1985) Rhode Island Mack, new RW's (1989) FW
  10. No RB's, they have R's, RW's, and 2 CH's,Holden MA, offer dump and lo-bed service and long time Mack user. When they haul snow I drive #29 There is another company, no connection, Wm Leahy, Littleton MA. flatbed service FW
  11. Some Dodge trucks I have or had. 1944 carryall, I put the closed cab and M 37 bed on. (1972), The WM300 belonged to a friend of mine. 1941 ambulance (1973) Had this one for a couple of years, sold it rumor in went to Hollywood CA (movies) 1952 WM300 had fire equipment on it and less than 6000mi. (1990). Traded it for a LT Mack and I was told it ended up in New Jersey. 1943 WC63 weapons carrier w/ winch and someone put an early 60's dodge cab on it. (1979) 6x6 configuration, and I still have this one. I liked them, but not my favorites, FW
  12. Does any one have any pictures of White Oak Construction? not sure of their location. FW
  13. Your truck has a nice "fish belly" frame, I wouldn't change the wheel base if it were mine, nor the single air cleaner, stack, and horn. I have bought parts from Jack, good guy, and he sold you a nice truck. FW
  14. Nice, very lucky to find one like that. FW
  15. A few more; RWS (2012) RWS (2012) RW (2012) FW
  16. A lot of 24"s in use, the right rubber for heavy spec. 10 wheeler. FW
  17. My Great grandfather's name was Angelo B. Celle. In his native country (northern Italy) it is pronounced "chelly". In America it was pronounced "selly or sell-e". With Eugene and Carlo it would be "chell-eye " Like you stated it is pronounced "Cell-E", and yes that makes sense. FW
  18. More B 80 series: Marlboro MA (1993) Marlboro MA (1993) Paxton MA (1989) FW
  19. Some information about the Wain-Roy company and their backhoes. They were located in Hubbardston MA which is 2 towns from where I live, and remember the building built in the 50's I would say and torn down about 7 years ago. This is where the first hydraulic tractor backhoe was manufactured , with the idea ,invention, and patent of Wanio and Roy. ( see Wikipedia "backhoe") for the time line of this. I remember them on Oliver, Fordson Major, and Ford Industrial model tractors. The Ford agricultural line where fitted with Sherman trenchers and other add-on units. They had a signature design and configuration and RFCDrum your tractors appear to be Wain-Roy units made for Ford. The Ford built backhoe changed the configuration of the boom and stick cylinders. I know Roy's two sons, and more interestingly in about 1959/60 the salesman for the new company Wain-Roy, Ken R. lived up the street. I distinctly remember him showing my father, and I was there of course, a working scale model of a Ford tractor with the new Wain-Roy backhoe. (about 1/16-1/12 scale). I am told this is what they took to Ford to demonstrate their new product. Made in the USA. FW
  20. I like the scale models just as much as the real ones, and like the Celli paint scheme and all the different models in his fleet. Again nice pictures. FW
  21. More information ; built 12/1983 , does not have an air ride cab. I like the Ford product line. Interior pictures (2013) (2013) FW
  22. I respect your decision not remove the pictures and downloads, as they are invaluable to this Site, its Members, and MACK. I like you don't want to go thru the time and effort to post pictures and downloads and then remove them. Me personally when the pictures and data are no longer here I am gone. FW
  23. I believe it is "chelly" . I would say the dump trailer is 20' FW
  24. Got another 22" on Friday, 8 trucks worked today. Melting fast. FW
  25. If you had to change anything it would be the side gears. 44's and 38's same spline not sure on 34's my guess there they are the same also. The side gears run with the spider gears, and the brake spider is on the spindle and supports the brake shoes and cam. FW
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