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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. Betwen the 4th and 6th. FW
  2. I picked them up last night. FW
  3. The "L" in the serial is for lightweight version with various components made of aluminum . All seem to be set up different, on B models I have seen bumpers, spring hangers , transmission-differential housings, flywheel housings, brake shoes and spiders,intakes,steering box-column, fuel & air tanks, hubs, and hoods. FW
  4. Yes the side gears that run against the spiders. I have changed one to the smaller axle shafts. The SWD 68 (50k#) same shafts as the 58k#. FW
  5. The left & right.
  6. I think you can if you change the side gears. The torque rod attachment may be different. FW
  7. I got one, send me a PM. FW
  8. You need the three button setup for frameless dump trailer work. FW
  9. With air lines attached to a trailer, Red charges the trailer Yellow sets and releases tractor and trailer brakes Blue sets and releases tractor brakes Yellow overides the blue Blue is not spring loaded FW
  10. Check and see if is a single key or spline. I have seen early L's with a key slot. FW
  11. I am sure He is just as proud of his nephew, thanks for sharing.
  12. Ex missile transporter and that didn't put up a flag. I am sure this Country is in someone's gun sight. Not good. FW
  13. Friend of mine asked if he could bring two trucks to my yard and store them there? sure. A couple of months goes by no trucks, found out he owed rent where they where and landlord scrapped them. Similar sitituation here and doubt you will find it. They were Macks, nothing safe any more. FW
  14. My RW has the barrel tanks, which I like. Around 2007 I sponsored a guy and used my RW for cdl test and the DMV inspector never seen a truck with two shift levers, but thought it was neat. FW
  15. Yes it is sad they are leaving the USA, but as complete trucks to go to work as that's what they were built for. Mack is a worldwide product and I am proud of that. I was in the Dominican Republic a few months ago and talking with some local truckmen they love the Macks as much as we do. We have a generation of wastefull Americans that would rather throw it away than fix or repair it. Just my .02 FW
  16. The Delco regulators the battery and armature terminals are side by side, I used to use a quarter to polarize them. Don't let any thing touch the field circut. Alternators lot less trouble. FW
  17. Is the work on the nose below the headlights part of the modification for the V12?. That truck stands out from any Brockway or Pete I have seen with a V12. FW
  18. An R model as built and a Superliner as built close to perfect,and each has its own identity. I wouldn't mess with it, just my .02. Late RD model cabs have a cowl similar or the same as the Superiliner. FW
  19. My 85 R model is a roll-off and have many beds and boxes. the one that works the best is the flat bed. You can drop it ground level, push, drive or pull the load on with the winch line, lash it down then load and go. I have used it many times and moved just about everything you could imagine. One time I had a sawdust cyclone , 16 + ft off the ground and had to get under railroad bridge i droped the bed on the ground draged it thru (has rollers on it) loaded up and away I went. Moved a Freightliner fld 120 but the tree branches boogered up the trumphets a little but works slick. Best one is Thanksgiving eve about 5 years ago now I moved a Austin Western 6 wheel awd motor grader with snow wing, loaded backwards the mouldboard was at the end of the bed and the front axle hanging off but was able to lower the front. Again 16 ++ ft at the wing tower, had to go about 7 miles to the yard so off I go weaving under mostly phone wires but the one that was draging from the wing tower when the Local cops caught up with me 2 miles up the road, ( i am doing this solo) was from the local convience store ( took out the lottery machine) a big wire. Local PD calls State Police, he says to them if he got his papers let him go. Local says why don't you park over there for the night and get a trailer, I nod my head. Waited 10-15 mins. then I wiggled my way home. The roll-off is a good setup and this one of my favoite old dogs. What I find the axle loading with rollbacks isn't good, the rolloff is right on spec. I have seen 2 axle rollbacks loaded you could not steer. One more thing the police only got me because the car behind me called them and said a truck is dragging something, damn cell phones. FW
  20. What are they worth? They are all worth keeping as Mack trucks or parts. FW
  21. The Cruiseliner has it mounted on the axle due to cabover configuration, Superliner 1 is a Cruiseliner chassis.FW
  22. En 471 is a Mack ohv engine used in LF's FW
  23. I am with Miro and Pawel on this, a harmonics issue. Put some weight on the frame to deaden it, that will tell if it is. FW
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