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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. The early trucks, all 3 axle had a different frame design than the later trucks,(LTSW.LTLSW,LTLT,LTHSW, LTHT? don't think there was one. The difference is the web tapers up starting behind the front rear spring hangers and the later trucks the taper starts between the front hangers. The steering shaft passes below the flange, I have one and seen others with a factory inside channel from over the center of axle back to the about 3' past the rear hanger, and the rear hangers are unique to this design. From what I have seen and recorded at least 200 units were built this way ,assuming all LTSW's. The later design, taper over the axle, is on LTSW # 1482 has it , and all LTLSW's, and LTLT's. LTSW's had either 1/4" or 5/16" frames, I believe all LTH's had 5/16", and LTL's 1/4". All trucks have the same front spring hangers ( steel or aluminum depending on the model), the rear hangers on the early (steel), different from the later (steel, aluminum), and the LTH's have (steel) and I have seen some shorter in height. All trucks have the same length springs, different number of leaves 12/14 depending model and mfg of spring. I have been looking at and under every LT for the past 26 years gathering information etc., but still find something new and different. FW
  2. I can see Hall Scott and IH parts
  3. they are not "F"'s but L's with unusual specs, one of five built in 8/47, HB cummins power, factory reinforced frame, Mack shaft drive with 8 spoke hubs, 14x24 wheels/tires, 12x24 fronts, sheet metal radiator shell and LJ fenders. Garwood quarry body. The unit with the shop made fenders should be one of the five trucks as they at one time both belonged to a local quarry. I have one and the other was in Connecticut, at Yarworski's a few years ago. New in the Bronx, then Brooklyn NY, then Massachusetts. FW
  4. No sure but most military units were able to ford, so the crankcase could be vented different. Does it have a road vent tube?. FW
  5. This was in Ohio 7/2014, I believe the power unit had Montana tags. FW
  6. Don't know how to post it, RI Craigslist id5359090600
  7. They are right next to the frog legs. FW
  8. Keep the clutch pedal in adjustment. FW
  9. Here is a picture of the truck I took about 10 years ago, and drove it in the yard. When I was in Ogden UT in 1977 I have a picture of one of the trucks curbside, its on 35mm slide, will post but be awhile. FW
  10. Of the 969 B813 units, 930-SX, 38-X, 1-RSX. All B81, B813, series, 28 units in 1955, 473 units in 1956. FW
  11. I have one of the Campanellla 719's. What I know about it is that it was sold to another sand and gravel co, then it was a lo-bed tractor for a crawler crane co. that changed the 864 to a DD 318, then a landscape contractor used it as a hydroseeder unit, and I have had it since 2003. Photos (2012). I have seen some L models with the Campanella orange, and Campanella-Cardi, green with orange wheels. FW
  12. 2014 photo, nice unit, the trailer deck will tilt. FW
  13. Does anyone know of these companies? from the l940's -50's Rusciano & sons Corp, 728 E. 212th St, Bronx NY and Ryan Ready mixed concrete corp, Smith & 9th St. , Brooklyn NY FW
  14. I have a couple, one has frame mounted tank outside the frame, also have a winch. This is my 1943 G 506 (1970) , same truck with ford cab and engine, G 506 chassis. (2015) FW
  15. An END673C is a natural engine, in the same group as the END673P, 187 hp. FW
  16. There is a difference in the inside diameter between the 8 x 24 and the 8.5 x 24 rims, the 8.5 is smaller. Most all of the heavy single axle 24' spokes were set up for 12 x 24 tires and 8.5 rims. 8" rims will be loose on the rear spokes and 8.5" rims will not seat properly on the front spoke . FA 600,601 FW
  17. When at a trade show in Las Vegas I also toured the Bolder Dam, at that time you could tour the facility. The driver of these also was on the tour and probably en route from Hayward CA to points east. The paint schemes on the western trucks different from the plain colors on the eastern trucks. All bias tube type tires, January 1980 (nek photo). FW
  18. The western trucks have the straight frames of standard width (34"?) to accommodate vendor suspensions and axles, My RS has Mack engine, trans and rears on Hendrickson block and Rockwell front axle. FW
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