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fifth wheel

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fifth wheel

  1. The numbers on the rear of the sumps are the models such as SWD 573, SWD* 574 etc. The carrier housings have the numbers on the right front, model and ratio etc. Most drop-ins will interchange,and I am sure 3.65 is the fastest. And you don't have to go in to check ratio, roll the truck and piece of chalk will do it. Just trying to help. FW
  2. Seen it on Ebay a while ago, another fire drill.
  3. Come on, we will tell you what it is when you tell us the engine number. FW
  4. True, but only the case when you are working on trucks with frame rails made from structural channel.
  5. In the first group of photos #9 that coupler does not look heavy enough. FW
  6. If I had to guess, a Thermodyne. As posted eairler you need the stamped number on the pump drive gear boss. ( END*673** Thermodyne- END*675**, END*676* Maxidyne). From the outside they look similar, the block, crank, cam, rods, pistons, sleeves, pump, injectors, and more all different. From looking at the radiator tierod set up it is not a turbo chassis. What ever it is I would leave it in and use it. FW
  7. Here are two different ways to mount the angle iron, angle out with plate allows for front to back adjustment, place to make stationary and ease to remove. Angle in is much cleaner look with little or no options for change. I have had good service from the Holland brand. FW
  8. A triplex direct is better suited to the power band of the thermodyne engine, a triplex over helps with slower rear end ratios for top end but 1st and rev are to high. These single countershaft gear boxes don't like the low end torque of the maxidynes. I had encountered this problem in the mid 70's came up with , a quadruplex, add a browine box, or 2 speed rear. It ended up 673t,triplex direct ,4.24rear and 22' rubber. FW
  9. I have one , PM me. FW
  10. I assume this is a Garrision or Ross setup. It operates on the action-reaction principle, there is no visible free movement in the control link, only a small amount of movement internaly. The valve is serviceable but if you are not familiar with these components have someone who is, I have known one that developed hydraulic lock. FW
  11. Is this a hydraulic assist system? FW
  12. All 92/93 carriers are the same,except a few variations in the power dividers and the torque rod mounting. The driving axle splines are the same for 34k, 38k,and 40k axles. FW
  13. Change the drop-ins, if they have bolted torque rods splice them to your tapered ends. FW
  14. If both engines have inline pumps, yes. FW
  15. The type 21's have the B 71 configuration at the radiator,and the B 73/75 configuration at the cowl. FW
  16. This truck has never been used,under 1k miles on odometer. My RW was #17 from this outfit.
  17. The check valves in the transfer pump. FW
  18. As it has been proven over time one of Mack's strong points is its inline 6 diesel engine which was developed by the Swedish engineers from Scandia working with Mack in the early 50's. That design with inovations and modifications (intercooling,aftercooling etc.) ran 50 years +. The Volvo N 16 engine late 80's 450+ hp, 8 mpg highway max GVW another excellent powerplant. I am sure all of the engineering was done here in the US, but using engineers and designs from Europe and elsewhere. Mack is a winning team with Nils, Hans, Otto and others, I mean Volvo. The few problems Mack has had in the past decade didn't stem entirely from Volvo. This is my view on this subject, they call me " Neil the fifth wheel".
  19. Diamont T, probably ex Bell telephone. I have seen pictures of some with an aerial bucket that only went straight up on some sort of collapsable framework. FW
  20. I got my bulldog issue today, you get it first hand, the Mack line is not going away. I am and will be loyal to Mack. FW
  21. Does Mack still have the Remack program? FW
  22. Engine number on block right front gear case boss. FW
  23. It could have one of these engine models, EO 519 ci, EP 611 ci, EY 707 ci. FW
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