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Pedigreed Bulldog
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  • Birthday 02/01/1963


  • Location
    Sugarloaf, pa

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    B-models, have over 100 die-cast B-models, also own a 1960-B422S, 1961-B61LST, and a 1964-B755.
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  1. Yes, looks to be a Superliner 1, steering box is mounted on the axle, pre-85. Tapered frame on the front also.
  2. Yes. My 2000 RD has it. It is a heavy gauge steel bracket that goes from frame rail to frame rail. Mounts behind the bumper. Mike
  3. The exhaust parts are interesting on those marine E9 but they look to be small for such a big motor.
  4. I noticed the Superliner heater and ac box in the truck. They are very hard to find in good condition. Did you change it out? Everyone that needs a new one for their Superliner changes it out for the newer style R model only because that style you have are not easy to come by.
  5. Yeah 27,000 miles plus 1,000,000 is more like it. They only owned it for 2 years according to the date on the title, but it will still bring big bucks because of that thing with 8 cylinders in the frame rails. I am curious what caused the frame distortion behind the fifth wheel. I don't think that is frame jacking like that.
  6. As far as the exhaust bracket for the drivers side, they are NOT easy to find. Your best bet is to get another right side and cut the brackets off that hold the muffler and reverse them to work on the left side. Not that hard to do.
  7. I got mine from Reedy Diesel, Lebanon, Pa. My truck stock was a 400. When I changed the injectors, I installed a 427 turbo which bolted right up.
  8. I have the stage 3 injectors in my 2000RD 400 with the 427 turbo. I changed out the radiator with a better flowing aluminum one. Pyro never goes above 1000. Stage 3 are 90+hp and I believe ever bit of it.
  9. I picked up a 2008 F350 duel wheel utility truck from Colorado and had it shipped back to the salt belt of Northeast Pa. I could not believe the difference in the under carriage. I did some work on it and couldn't believe how easy everything would come apart. The truck doesn't have a spot of rust on it with 145,000 miles. Around here, every truck I looked at that was 10 years old needed a new truck! Lol
  10. MIB Lionel Pennsylvania T1 4-4-4-4 Steam Locomotive and Tender set. MIB Scale Madison Combine/Diner set (2 cars) MIB Scale Madison Passenger set (5 cars) 400 Watts transformer 100' of 3 rail track $2,500.00 plus the ride (LOWER PRICE $1,700.00) Any questions call Mike 570-436-1600
  11. FYI, Doug no longer makes the stainless bumpers, just steel. I bought a steel one and the stainless grill guard two years ago for my B755. He said he will no longer make the stainless bumpers because they scratch too easy and are really hard to make because of that.
  12. I also heard it is a true Magnum. He only painted it white to be different from the factory black. Very sharp truck.
  13. WOW What a nice collection from your old home state Jeff.
  14. I have a fuller 8 LL in my tri-axle. When shifting from high to low range, it grinds. At the same time this showed up, when I shift from low low, to low, air feeds back through the shifter. If I move the valve around a little, air stops. I can't find much trouble shooting for the 8 LL on the internet. Any help?
  15. At on time, they had over 100 head. Now down to 3 cows and 1 bull.
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