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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Looks like you could fly out and drive home.
  2. Nice!
  3. Very nice. Wish I had the air ride set up.
  4. ...and to make things a little more complicated the throttle is on the right side of the steering column.
  5. This truck sold at the RM auction on Friday for $176,000 which includes the commission. Here is a link to their site: https://rmsothebys.com/en/auctions/hf21/hershey/lots/r0091-1948-diamond-t-201-pickup/1166231#/expandGallery-AllPhotos All it takes is two!
  6. I plan on coming Sat morning. Early hopefully.
  7. I agree. What a beauty!
  8. I'm going to say 1940 GMC.
  9. Thanks for pointing out the Mercedes. I had not noticed.
  10. I couldn't make it this year. Any pictures?
  11. Fantastic for sure. I watched the three parts of the ATHS show in Harrisonburg also. Thanks for you efforts.
  12. Looks like the Hooter's girls are getting younger and younger or is just me.
  13. Thanks for the pictures. Hated to miss the show.
  14. It' hard to concentrate with the driver in place but I think it is a chopped Merc lead sled '49, '50 or '51.
  15. Welcome. I don't think it's a crazy idea. I did the same thing with a B-61. It really stands out at a car show.
  16. Here's a picture of the wheel chock.
  17. Sure glad you all escaped without serious injury. Your UTE held up really well. Look at that rear rim!
  18. Great pictures. Thanks for posting. Sorry I missed you and Freight Train along with some of the others.
  19. Anybody at the show or going tomorrow? I spoke to a friend that is there and I think he said there were somewhere around 800 trucks so far. I plan on going in the morning.
  20. Sad to see but does look fixable. I wonder about the story also.
  21. I thought I remembered him having an auction and in the process of relocating from VA to Maine. This was after a hassle from the local govt types about his proposed housing for veterans.
  22. I see it sold for $45750. I don't know if that is a good price or not but I do know you couldn't come close to restoring one for that amount.
  23. Excellent info. I always wondered if those straps would meet the ratings. It was interesting to see the claw hooks did not fail.
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