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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Yikes! That had to hurt and sure puts a damper on the day.
  2. That is a shame. Looks like a lot of nice stuff.
  3. It's a little town called Worthington. I have relatives that live just beyond the tree line at the top of the picture. I was by there this past July and didn't see the B Model, I checked a couple of years ago and it wasn't for sale so maybe that is it's permanent home.
  4. Thanks for the great pictures. Looks like a good turnout and some I don't remember seeing before.
  5. I hope he does. I missed the show this year.
  6. Right is Right! Keep on slugging.
  7. Sorry for your loss and hip problem. Glad you are on the mend and back. Always like to hear about your adventures.
  8. Thanks for the pictures. Your son's friend has some skills. I'm just wondering how he got that angle.
  9. Thanks for the great pictures. Next best thing to being there.
  10. Looks like a good show. Thanks for the photos. I had hoped to make it but got preempted by my wife's family reunion.
  11. Looks like a good trip to Nebraska. Plenty of girls in cars on the way. That one girl is pretty well tatted up.
  12. I'm not sure but the electric pump is probably an after market to assist at start up or help control vapor lock. Summit Racing has a variety of electric pumps. I'm looking at an Airtex 8902 6V 4# pressure for install on a pre war car.
  13. Check Gary's Steering Wheel Repair in Carlisle, PA. I've never used him but seen his work. http://garyssteeringwheel.com/
  14. ...not to mention the size.
  15. Ed, That's a nice solid looking truck. I had the same experience with a B-68 C&C some years back. I made the mistake of calling a towing company that was selling the truck to cover towing and storage. Not far into the conversation they asked that same question "what do you have in mind" as to price. I threw out a number to include delivery (about 20 miles) thinking they would never accept. Low and behold it was mine.
  16. Ed, It looks great. Now time to have some fun with it. Looking forward to seeing it.
  17. I'd take her advice any day.
  18. It could be some sort of male truck ritual to attract females.
  19. I watched a couple of your utubes working outside in winter. This will be a Godsend.
  20. Congratulations. Nothing like having your own space.
  21. Hats off to you on a worthy project.
  22. I remember Matt showing the combo at Hershey a few years back. It was amazing to see a concourse restored "Dippsy Dumster".
  23. It just goes to show you don't have to be any younger or better looking to find happiness. Congratulations!!!
  24. I remember seeing the second one at Hershey a few years ago. First time I ever saw a restored dumpster. I'm pretty sure Matt Phafl did those. BEAUTIFUL!
  25. That's got to be the same truck that was at the York show a few years ago. Sounds like you all are having a fun vacation.
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