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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. If the tie rod end only moves when turning the tie rod and not the wheel could be a worn out ball joint.
  2. A friend of mine saw the beautiful truck at a show this past weekend near Frederick, MD. Wasn't able to find the owner. Look familiar to anyone nearby?
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  3. HarryS

    Weighing in

    What was the scrap rate?
  4. That was me. They went about 100 miles from (in VA) here and on an early 50s fire truck.
  5. Wasn't there someone on here a few years ago that had an open rim come apart when he took the wheel off? I think I remember it was a trailer tire and it banged up his knee. He was from out west, Montana, Wyoming I think.
  6. Good show. The sound worked for me.
  7. The pressure sending unit on my B is on the passenger side firewall just below the shutter valve and the buzzer is under the dash behind the instrument cluster.
  8. Makes a big difference in noise and heat when you lose the steering column plug. What do you do around the clutch peddle?
  9. Size 22.5x8.25. They were sandblasted and powder coated. $200 for all plus shipping or can be picked up in Northern Harry Scott, hscott1937@aol.com or 703-791-3278
  10. I drove three WW II vets today in parade in DC. It was raining a little at the beginning but cleared up. The trip is 12 blocks and took half an hour. Those guys are so amazing The up front vet will be 99 in Sept. He was from Tenn and drafted in 1944 as an infantryman sent to Europe and participated the Battle of the Bulge. In their group there were several vets of WW II, Korea and Viet Nam. Lots of people on each side cheering and waving and most importantly thanking them for their service. Our group of cars (4) start at about 35 minutes in. I'm in the black '41 Cadillac limo.
  11. I will have the honor to drive three WW II veterans in the parade on Monday in DC. This will be the fifth time doing this. There are thirteen veterans from around the country, that number is down from about 25 in 2018. Our group is also having a hard time finding pre war cars. There are only four this year. Mine's a 1941 Cadillac Limo. It is so interesting to listen to those guys when they meet and talk about where they were and their shared experiences. It's a twelve block trip and takes about half an hour.
  12. Thanks for taking us along. As others have said I admire your sense of adventure and ability to find Macks wherever you go.
  13. He live near Watt's. I've seen him at Winchester a number of times pulling a short flat bed trailer.
  14. The spacer may act as an insulator also which would be a big help in keeping heat down.
  15. ...and flip flops no less.
  16. Watt's has a wiring diagram (https://search.aol.com/aol/image;_ylt=AwrFGwlfXRFmyHwdOBRpCWVH;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?q=mack+b+model+wiring+diagram&v_t=comsearch#id=0&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwattstruckcenter.com%2Fshop%2Fimage%2Fcache%2Fcatalog%2FProduct2%2Fb61wiring_diagram-930x1000.jpg&action=click) online. It shows gauge for headlights as 14.
  17. Definitely and so does the Cadillac.
  18. I'll confess to having to google. Interesting to know.
  19. That truck has "cool" written all over it! I like it.
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