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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. The filter cartridge on my system is located inside the power steering reservoir. I didn't realize there was a filter until I happen to see the lifting ring when the fluid level had gotten low.
  2. That B hasn't been trimmed around for awhile.
  3. I've got that system on my B model except the pump is driven from the back of the generator. Mine works at idle not effortlessly but better than manual. Check your fluid reservoir, mine has a filter in it about the size of an old school auto oil filter.
  4. Sorry for your loss. We just lost our 15 year four legged companion. Happy for you new acquisition. Nice!
  5. Amazing! Thanks for posting.
  6. Me Too! Now is time to enjoy.
  7. Great video for those of us that couldn't make it. Thanks for posting.
  8. Nice to talk to you and "Miss Red Head" at the show. Great pictures.
  9. Just think how confused the snowflakes will be when they find out the cost of postage is $.50 and not the $.49 as stated. Maybe another focus group to deal with that problem.
  10. Sorry I also meant to put info for fuel pump. TERRILL MACHINE INC. 1000 CR 454, DeLeon, TX 76444 PH: 254- 893- 2610. I've used them for automotive fuel pumps and always been satisfied. They don't have a website.
  11. Daytona Carb should be able to help: https://daytonaparts.com/
  12. Third grade but I know where I'd like to be now. Behind the wheel of that beauty.
  13. The post sizes on the battery are different positive being the larger. You should be able to tell the difference in the cable connections. The ground strap in your picture looks to have been modified so it could very well be pos ground.
  14. I just got finished looking too. They're all lookin' good. Wish I could have made it.
  15. Looks like a really nice trip especially with a lovely navigator and photographer on board.
  16. Looks good. Seems to be pretty solid and mostly complete.
  17. Welcome to the site.
  18. Welcome to the site and congrats on your acquisition. Hope you can get the pictures loaded.
  19. Thanks for pictures. Did you use "wide angle" for the ATM shot?
  20. Looks good. Hope to see it at Winchester.
  21. I see what you're sayin'. It almost looks like an elastic band of some sort, but that is all I see after a long study.
  22. Keep those ribs hot I'm on my way!
  23. Best Wishes. Keep on havin' em
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