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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. OH! I didn't realize I was hooked to a trailer.
  2. Absolutely!!!
  3. Congratulations on your find. The emblem on the hood is B-61 and as pointed out the engine gas. A little research will tell which has been changed. I like the air bags, means smooth ride when you get her on the road. Good Luck.
  4. Love it! I wasn't that creative when I did my wheel. I had to paint, wait to dry, flip and paint over and over a few times.
  5. Thanks for the pictures. I had to look twice at the Studebaker for sale to see which way it was headed. Also looked twice at each of the "girl in a car" shots.
  6. A big salute to all that served or are serving. I have a chance again this year to be in the National Memorial Day Parade in DC tomorrow transporting WW II veterans. There will be 10 antique convertibles for about 20 or 25 vets from different parts of the country. It is a real honor to in their presence.
  7. If you have the canister type with cartridge filter the old one should have a number on it. If you don't have a cartridge you will probably have to take measurements. Another possibility is to check the canister for info (AC, etc). Good Luck.
  8. Nice looking B. It will be interesting to see what the gearing is which can always be changed to suit.
  9. So sad to hear. Heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
  10. We don't need to know the reason, just know our best wishes and prayers are with you.
  11. Welcome. Sounds like a neat truck, maybe you can post some pictures. I will qualify my next statement by saying I have no experience with a 707 gas engine. I'm pretty sure it is not a belt driven oil pump. Sounds like it could be the air compressor for the brakes if it has air brakes. There are many experienced and knowledgeable folks on here that will know for sure and chime in. Good Luck.
  12. Thanks for the info Rob. Good luck with yours.
  13. Rob, That sounds like the same problem I am having with '60 B, 673. It used to start right up even after long periods of not running. Now you have to crank and crank and let it stumble a few times before it smooths out. Starting for the rest of the day is fine and it runs fine. Two questions , is that check valve readily available and can it be installed with the pump on the engine? Thanks.
  14. You looking for a new project already?
  15. My thoughts exactly.
  16. Having had two of those years ago it was fun to reminisce. Thanks for posting.
  17. Nice round of pictures. Thanks.
  18. Happy belated birthday and many happy & healthy returns.
  19. Happy birthday and enjoy the BBQ.
  20. He's my kind of man.
  21. I was going to say "Dr Bill" the dentist truck collector that dies a few years ago.
  22. ...and keep on having 'em!!!
  23. I had not seen it before. Thanks for posting.
  24. Love to see 'em. Thanks.
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