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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. I use Howe's to replace the "good stuff" that gets refined out of the ultra low sulfur fuel.
  2. Looks like a fun trip, so much to see you can't do it all. How does the weight of those lava rocks compare?
  3. I used a plug in GPS until I got mine fixed. I would probably still be using it but there was a leak at the rear seal so that had to be replaced along with the in/out bearing and race. I had to invest in a Harbor Freight 1" drive socket set for the job.
  4. When I changed from TRD 72 to TRD 720 by speedo was off about 10%. I tried changing just the pencil gear and found out the pencil and spiral drive have to a match. Changed the spiral (that took some effort) and now it's synched.
  5. If it weren't for the bow tie I would think it were Russian. It is kind of cute though.
  6. Super Nice, Thanks for the show.
  7. The two inch piece in the trans should have the driven gear on the other end. Does that turn as it should? If so then the square connection for the speedo cable has to be the problem. I've heard of the hammer fix but never tried it.
  8. The most exciting thing I remember about I-40W of the Miss is the wind and Armadillo roadkill through Ok & TX. Have a good one.
  9. I have a Garrison unit that runs off of the generator also. The manual says to use motor oil of varying viscosity depending on the temp. When I had the steering assist cylinder rebuilt last fall I asked about which fluid. The shop guy said it didn't matter which between ATF, hydraulic oil, PS fluid or motor oil as long as it is non foaming. I use 15/40 Rotella which seems to work fine once all the air is purged.
  10. That is super cool. I wonder what kind of power.
  11. Denmark is too far for me. I think I'll just go horseback riding.
  12. There is a truck show at the Rural Heritage Museum-Ag Center in Boonsboro, MD today and tomorrow. Wondering if anyone was going. Tomorrow looks like a nice day.
  13. I'm a little late to the party, but yes that does suck. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Good Luck.
  14. That's great news. Keep on keepn' on!
  15. HarryS

    Baby R

    Very cool, got the look but not the sound. He's got some money tied up in just the accessories not to mention all the work.
  16. Back in the 50's a friend of mines father was an engineer for Southern Railway. They had a retired steam engine that was donated to the Smithsonian. It was stored in Alexandria, VA. It had to be moved to a shop for restoration. We got to ride in the engine and also got to shovel coal from the tender. That is definitely hard and hot work. As far as I know the train is still at the museum. Given the weight and size you don't just rotate that display.
  17. They are really cool. I got a chance to sit in the driver's seat in one a number of years ago too. I think there is one that has been for sale that has been converted to a car hauler.
  18. As Sam Walton used to say, "a fast quarter is better than a slow dollar".
  19. Looks like no shortage of projects available.
  20. That is beyond cool. Lots of possibilities (and of course money).
  21. I think I caught a whiff of that up here in Northern VA. It sure does look good.
  22. Good job. Hope it got a good home.
  23. Looks like the picture didn't make it. Said something about requires formatting. Here's a link to the picture. https://www.cardcow.com/32911/hotel-washington-berkeley-springs-west-virginia/ My wife is from there and I remember driving up after the hotel fire and seeing it still smoldering.
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