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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Very nice. I like the striping.
  2. Looks like a lot of nice "stuff". Not too far from Philadelphia.
  3. She could run my snow blower anytime, especially now with over 2 ft and maybe more to come.
  4. That looks nice! How about pictures.
  5. Thanks! Is there some sort of trick to getting a link in a post that I'm not seeing? I can get the link in a post by right clicking on the page title and copying then right click on the forum message and paste. I have not been able to get the pictures and text of the ad to post though. Still learning.
  6. Here's the link: http://boston.craigslist.org/sob/cto/5366684825.html
  7. It looks like the truck is being offered as a "Buy It Now" or "Best Offer" and not as a typical auction. I would do the best offer at somewhere in the mid range of what I would pay (I'm just say'n, not trying to buy myself) and hope that was good enough to get it or at least get a response from the seller. Or if you really want it step up to the top dollar you would pay. There is one offer already listed. Good Luck.
  8. Nice. They look to be pretty good sized compared to the Atlantic sign in the background.
  9. RD, I have no clue, but thanks for reminding me to get my PowerBall tickets out of the car. Good Luck.
  10. Here's to a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year to everyone.
  11. Beautiful scenery. It looks more like Christmas than in the DC area. We had 70 degrees and rain all day.
  12. I just got around to looking at the AACA magazine for Nov/Dec. There is a story about a nicely restored '64 B67 pulling a travel trailer from Murfreesboro, TN (owners home) to Hershey this past Fall. There are just a couple of pictures of the truck and no info about it's specs. Just curious if anyone else saw the story or knows the owner.
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  13. That makes me cold just looking at it.
  14. Very nice. Looks like it doesn't need as much love as Mater. Ditto on no plowing.
  15. Very nice.
  16. Welcome. It shouldn't take too long to find the right Mack.
  17. Glad to hear you are out and back at it.
  18. I got a couple of the cards and also emails. I remembered this marketing program from the last time. I responded then and got the heavy handed pitch. One of the automobile clubs has also done this.
  19. When I clicked on the picture to enlarge it took me to a photo bucket string of about 50 or 60 Mack (mostly Bs) pictures. Really cool.
  20. Thanks for the news Vinny. Bests wishes for a speedy recovery for Mike.
  21. The truck does look good in the pictures. I think the big negative that holds the price down is the brakes not working and the explanation of owner dis-assembly and not being able to get it back together right. It's like "ran when parked or last driven". If it is a simple fix and the seller doesn't want to screw with it and gets realistic with the price it could be a buy.
  22. I just read the AACA online newsletter and their trivia question was, "what was the name of Mack's first truck?". Here is their answer: The Manhattan was the Mack brothers' first truck. Introduced in 1905, the five-ton truck was designed to haul commodities such as coal, building materials and food stuff. The driver's seat was over the engine. Mack's first commercial vehicle was a bus built in 1900 for sightseeing in New York. Source: Automotive Milestones: Trivia of a Most Unique Machine
  23. Definitely a fine looking example of one of Mack's greatest.
  24. Thanks for the great detective work getting "the rest of the story" to go along with the picture. Sad to hear the driver, so young, didn't survive.
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