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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Looks like a great show in spite of the weather. Great pictures and video of the trip. Hope your son didn't have too stiff of a neck after the ride.
  2. WOW! Great pictures, thanks for the tour.
  3. That is some serious trading. How was the Iowa 80 show?
  4. I don't know how to post the youtube window but this at her history of the same old thing over and over. You gotta say she is consistent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TfG0bSK6fH4
  5. I forgot to mention OBO.
  6. I'm not sure. It only has engage and disengage on the lever. There is a plate on PTO stamped 42CLW-C4-G and P76 on the second line.
  7. Came out of 1960 B 61. TRD 72 Duplex Direct with power take off. Good condition, swapped it for an OD. $200 located in Northern Va. hscott1937@aol.com
  8. I ran into the same leaking piston problem. When I spoke to the Bostrom technical people they said "no replacements" or stock available. I ended up getting a replacement kit Bostrom #6222079-001 which was the same dimensions as the original with the exception of the eyelet on each end which I had to drill out to fit (3/8" out to 1/2"). You would think those technical people at Bostrom would suggest that.
  9. That is "smart money", and a really nice truck on top of that.
  10. Looks like there are still some good pickin's left.
  11. ...and on top of all the BS about her we have had to endure for the last week someone shot and killed the ice creme man in Frederick, MD.
  12. Really turned out great.
  13. Sounds like a fun trip. Hope the air filter purge does the trick.
  14. Posted Today, 07:53 PM If you decide to part it I would be interested in the transmission. I have a B61 with a TRDL725 Unishift trans that the rear case split. Been looking for a few years now for the right one for my truck . Am about ready to drop a duplex in it till I find the right one= I've got a TRD 72 Duplex Direct that I would like to get rid of and clear up some floor space. I'm located in No Va. Send me a PM : hscott1937@aol.com
  15. Looks like a nice show. The engine less R even still has a shine on it.
  16. Welcome and happy hunting for the B Model.
  17. Posted Today, 06:25 AM Thanks for the weekly pics. As for the big a$$ girl....if someone told her to haul a$$, she would have to make two (2) trips! Ken HOF City, PRR Country, and Charter member of the "Mack Pack" Ditto on thanks for the pictures and also the two trips
  18. Very nice truck. Those mudflaps SD shows will set it off just right. Here's hoping you can get it ready and take your Dad for a ride. It will be something that will make him very happy and you will never forget.
  19. Great job, looks good. Those mid trailer turn signals would really set it off.
  20. Good find on the cabs. The shovel is really cool reminds me of Gearharts.
  21. I would definitely go with the radiant heat. My shop is 30X60 with 12' ceilings and hanging electric heat which works from the waist up and your feet freeze. Our winters are nowhere near as cold as yours. I would also trade the 12'X12' five foot deep pit for a lift, might just do it one day.
  22. Cool Jeep, you don't see many like that. There were a bunch of us went to dinner at Cracker Barrel in York Friday night of the show. I met the guy and his son with the garage doors. They live near Watts Mack. The B Model on the one door was at the show, it was the B?? (not sure of the number) with the Cummins, extended radiator. I think they also had the MH there.
  23. Carey, That Liberty truck is awesome, if it could only talk, the tales it could tell. MHFred, I know the tracks you are talking about (at Delaplane). A few years ago a friend, myself and our wives were out or a ride in his '41 Cadillac and hit those tracks at maybe 25 or 30 and jarred the transmission linkage enough to have it disconnect.
  24. Yeah, that's me, the fourth head.
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