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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Great show nice to meet everyone at the photo shoot (I'm 3rd from right standing back row). Hats off to the MH group photo and video. I had a little insurance card hiccup also but was able to straighten it out with a call to JC Taylor.
  2. Sorry to hear that. This is supposed to fun.
  3. Thanks for the valuable lesson. Glad you are on the mend and that it wasn't worse.
  4. What a bummer! You never know when something is going to jump up and bite you. Best wishes for a quick recovery and making it to York.
  5. Very nice, love the looks of the H's.
  6. Congratulations on your new adventure.
  7. At least in the second video you had some soothing classic country on the radio.
  8. That's a nice looking unit to have been sitting for so long. It is a nice compliment to the rollback.
  9. I thought it was me.
  10. I read today that there were over 1,300 pre- registered vehicles.that is a big show. Wow. I hope the non preregistration is not too bad.
  11. Can't wait to see the other nine months.
  12. Looks like she is working on next years shop calendar.
  13. Very nice! It's going to really "POP" when it all comes together.
  14. That has really turned out nice.
  15. PS I forgot the most important part, he was asking $150 for the pair.
  16. Don't know if you are still looking for tanks. I saw a pair at the Winchester, VA show/flea market on Sat. Sorry I don't have a picture (I'm low tech) but they were 29" long and 24" in diameter. There were no cut outs or steps, made of aluminum. They seem to be in good condition. The seller is Al Pittman, he said he is just of the Pa Turnpike at mile marker 180, phone is 717-987-3971. Good Luck.
  17. Vlad, Thanks for posting this reminder of our not too distant past. I remember visiting the Russian War Memorial Gardens in East Berlin in 1963. If memory servers me there were over 12,000 Russian soldiers from WW II buried there in a mass grave. Very moving sight. Also I went to the WW II war plane fly over in Washington yesterday. There were about 50 planes of various descriptions flying in formation over DC. The sight and sound of those planes was awesome!
  18. It really sucks to have a day like that. Hope today is better.
  19. Nice looking truck. Looks like a fun show.
  20. Looks good. Would be interesting to know the asking price.
  21. My B is just about the same spec as yours and it weighted in at 11,100 lbs on the county landfill scales. I had about 25 gals of fuell and I'm about 190.
  22. It is always hard to lose a true friend and family member. RIP Mack.
  23. That is a really nice complete truck. Hard to believe it almost got scraped.
  24. Definately a good one to bring back to life. What a shift pattern for that transmission.
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