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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Beautiful trucks. Glad the Packard went quick. I could have gotten excited about it.
  2. Welcome. Let us know what you find.
  3. What a find. Can't beat the internet.
  4. Cool truck I hope you can get everything swaped over to make a good one.
  5. HarryS


    I remember the mud too. They had the Red & Blue fields with the airstrip across the highway that later became the White Field. It did seem to rain every year for the show.
  6. Maybe the museum has them. I went to pick up a servce manual for B Models last year and we went into a room with shelves full of different manuals.
  7. HarryS


    I hear you on the "non vehicle" stuff. If they would seperate it the trip would be a lot less physical. About a quarter of the vendors were packing up early on Friday due to the weather forecast. As it turned out the rain didn't come until late that evening and was cleared by morning.
  8. HarryS


    Anybody see anything exciting at Hershey? I covered about 3/4ths of the flea market and saw a few Bull Dog hood ornaments along with a pair of B-61 side pieces in decent shape priced at $150. There was a R 600 dump for sale, no price or owner nearby. There was a fully restored Mack Jr in front of the Giant Center and of course the beautifully done B-67 at the show on Sat by Matt Pfahl.
  9. N51F, I have the same vibration you describe in OD only (TRD 720). There is also a high pitched noise in that gear that is not present in any of the others. I have drained the trans and changed fluid. There were no filings or debris that came out, also nothing on the magnet. I pulled the PTO covers and nothing unusal. The U joints were replaced along with the slip joint and rear output shaft bearing. The shaft was also balanced. I've had it on jack stands running in gear but can't hear or feel anything. I can't think of anything else to check without pulling the trans.
  10. My '60 B 61 has a TRD 720 with the fifth gear turned around but the hi range is to the seat. Here is a paragraph from the shop manual: "In overgeared-type transmissions, an aditional rocker and pivot pin, to operate fourth and fifth-speed sliding clutch converts the shift pattern of these transmissions to that of the direct-drive boxes. Thus, either type of transmission has the same standard shift." I was talking to Matt Phafl last year about this and he said in some cases the direct shift tower/cover had been used on the over-gear transmissions and you wind up with the 4th/5th flip.
  11. Great project. Really coming together fast.
  12. Great pictures. Thanks.
  13. What a cool recognition.
  14. Looks like the ad is still running. Here is a link to that ad and you should be able to email the seller. https://glensfalls.craigslist.org/cto/4660112832.html Good Luck, Harry
  15. I like it too. I'll have to make one of their shows, hopefully soon. The shows always seem to conflict with something else.
  16. Great pixs, thanks. Don't you hate when they do dust control right after a nice cleaup. Our local landfill does that daily. They have a truck wash but it is recycled water and the concrete like dust is mixed in and hardens on the undercarriage making it a real chore to get off.
  17. What a shame. I hope who ever owns it realizes the loss in value.
  18. Looks like a great show. Thanks for the pictures.
  19. I don't remember if this has been on here or not. No connection just FYI Restored 1959 Mack B-61T Like New - $12000 (Lake George, NY)<> condition: excellent 1959 Mack B-61 T paint color : green type : truck fuel : diesel t
  20. Welcome. What a find, it really cleaned up nice. Here is the link to pictures and video: http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1655065_.html
  21. You have my vote. I have always liked the ATCA style and there's nothing better than the Macungie show.
  22. Truck really looks good for having been out in the woods all that time. Great save. Can't wait for the "rest of the story".
  23. It was cool to watch, made the 90+ degree day a little more bearable.
  24. Lookin good. You'll be one of the most interesting kids at school when it comes to what you did for summer vacation.
  25. Looks like a fun show. Thanks for all the great pictures.
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