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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Great merger! Likewise on the color and bright work.
  2. Very nice. Definately a good long term fix.
  3. HarryS

    My Shop

    Very nice.
  4. Really nice trucks love to see the rest of them.
  5. A friend of mine worked for Moloney Concrete and as I recall they sold out back in the late 80s or early 90s. They had a Brockway mixer with the drum painted like a football and Redskins logo along with being painted team colors, burgundy and gold. Here is a link with a grainy picture and story: http://fultonhistory.com/Newspapers%2021/Cortland%20NY%20Standard/Cortland%20NY%20Standard%201973/Cortland%20NY%20Standard%201973%20-%200321.pdf
  6. Welcome. Very nice truck and box. Sounds like a fun trip. Hope you can get the trans straightened out with not too much trouble. PS Looks like something cool under cover parked next to your truck
  7. Welcome and good luck hunting.
  8. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Enjoyed the trip.
  9. Great photos. Looks like you had a good experience with Mack.
  10. Here's a picture showing the ground wires attached to the grounding stud on the starter motor. The smaller wires on that stud go to the cab. As mentioned you can't have too much ground.
  11. Very nice. Always cool to see trucks that have been kept in the family.
  12. I wonder what the rest of the lettering is on the shuttter guard. Maybe Shady Tree Garage or ...
  13. I went from a TRD 72 10 speed direct to a TRD 720 9 speed OD. Not sure what axle ratio the 720 came out of but the speedo was slow by about 8 MPH (verified by GPS) with my rear ratio of 4.28. I swapped the speedo gears out of the 72 and that corrected the speedo. The TRD 720 has that screwy shift pattern with 3rd and 4th at the seat and 5th at the dash. I noticed in the service manual they talk about an extra "pivot pin" in the OD transmission to make the shift pattern the same as the 10 spd direct. Maybe the shift mechanism has been changed somewhere along the line in our OD transmissions. Very cool truck by the way. I'll be anxious to hear how it drives.
  14. We have a newly built scale near the Prince William County, VA landfill just off Rt 234. Mostly the state troopers (now and then the county) pull the trucks over and bring them to the scale for weigt and inspection. They are equal opportunity, I have seen everything from refuse haulers to pickups with a cube of bricks. Their favorites seen to be the F 550s loaded down pulling a trailed piece of equipment.
  15. Kyle, Neat truck. It is always nice to have a wrecker around.
  16. I tried this before and it didn't seem to make it. I had several Diamond T's and replaced the last one with the Mack B-61. This is the only Diamont T item I have left over.
  17. I used it in an antique Cadillac with a flathead V-8 for about 7 or 8 years and10K miles of driving. I never had a problem with it and it cured the boiling that occurred after turning the engine off. The two things they recommend is to be certain all the water is out of the cooling system and also to use a 0 pressure cap. I have also talked to others that have used it in cars but not anyone in a truck.
  18. Very nices. I'd say it is ready for any show.
  19. OD, So sorry for the loss of your dad. It is always hard to deal with loved ones passing on but the memories will keep you going.
  20. In spite of current state of affairs we can always be proud of our folks and the way they brought us up and they are some cute pups.
  21. Welcome. Great looking truck that is coming right along.
  22. As FWD mentoned, I have seen & Daughter or Daughters also. Kind of cool, do it.
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