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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Very nice truck. I hear you about the wife, mine doesn't either.
  2. I believe that is the same as fender welting as used on antique cars. These folks should have it: http://www.restorationspecialties.com/Products.html
  3. Very Nice! I'll be looking for it at up coming shows.
  4. What a great show and great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Congratulations. It's a great feeling to get them back on the road. It is also a lot of fun to talk to people that either drove or worked on them.
  6. Very nice truck. Looks like most of the dirty work is done. I agree on the jack stands, especially after reading the Superliner story.
  7. My B-61 had new Stewart Warner guages when I got it, but the fuel and temp guauges had to be changed when I switched from positive to negative ground. I got the replacements from Summit Racing. I also had to change the sending units which came from Summit. I don't recall the price but it was reasonable. Watts has a mechanical temp guauge which they claim is more trouble free than the electrical. I don't have much time on the new gauge but no problems so far.
  8. What a sad ending to the story and for Harry. That is a beautiful truck and a great tribute to him. Enjoy it as each of you intended in the beginning.
  9. Thanks for the advice. It sure makes sense. I had hoped to get to it today but didn't. I'll keep you guys posted.
  10. The tachometer in my '60 B Model (673) started out being off (under) by about 25%.. It now won't go above 800 RPM regardless of engine speed. I tried disconnecting the cable at the engine end and using an electric drill. That pushes the tach up past 3000, but I'm not sure how many rpm's the drill is turning. The square drive on the cable end doesn't seem rounded nor does the drive connection. I'm not sure what to check next. Thanks for any suggestions. Harry
  11. Enjoyed the ride. Looks like the pickup at about 2 min just went into re-gen.
  12. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  13. Congrats on the show and the drive there and back. I like the color combo too.
  14. I just finished doing the entire cab including the inside doors with Dynamat Extreme. It is easy to work with but as mentioned more expensive. I got mine from Summit Racing for about $3 something a sq ft. It took 72 sq ft to cover everything but the inside firewall. The factory padding had already been installed along with all the wiring, cables, etc. It sure has a solid sound when thumping. Hope to do a road test in the next couple of days.
  15. Very nice truck. Nice to meet a fellow 1960 B Model owner. I'm kind of in the same position as you just getting the truck on the road and working out the bugs.
  16. Here she is you can even get to "see dees" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuXbWxgEN3s
  17. Very unusual and super nice. Love to see the oldies get saved.
  18. Thanks for the great pictures. Sorry I missed the show.
  19. It's a great show I've been every year and it gets bigger and bigger. They reported around 300 trucks last year. I'm trying to get the B Model ready. One item that needs attention is the wipers, just in case.
  20. Very sorry for your loss. He sounded like quite a guy.
  21. Nice pictures. Thanks. I think I remember some of those trucks from the ATHS show in Greenboro a few years ago.
  22. I got a seat that looks the same from a parted out B Model several years ago. It needs to be cleaned up, painted and recovered. It should be a definate improvement over the standard bench seat. I'm not sure of the brand, I'll need to check. It's nice to have the battery cut off convientent. I put mine at the battery box and sometimes forget to turn it off along with the key switch. Next time in the garage the low air buzzer has been going for who knows how long.
  23. Very nice. Like the period upgrade driver's seat. Is that an electrical cut off just above the key switch?
  24. Now I see what's in the trailer, very cool wagon.
  25. Fine lookin young man. One day the torch will be his. Congrats.
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